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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
02:11, 15 November 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week5-Slides and Notes.pdf (file) 4.83 MB Category:Intro_to_Electronics These are the slides for the last project in the Intro to Electronics class. It's for a Larson scanner (Cylon eye). The schematic for that is here. This version also 1
02:10, 15 November 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week5-Slides.pdf (file) 570 KB Category:Intro_to_Electronics These are the slides for the last project in the Intro to Electronics class. It's for a Larson scanner (Cylon eye). The schematic for that is here. 1
01:13, 8 November 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week4-Slides.pdf (file) 2.75 MB Category:Intro_to_Electronics These are the slides for the fourth session in the Intro to Electronics class. The main activity involved building an LED blinking circuit using a 555 timer IC. The schematic for that can be found [[Media:http://wiki. 1
02:04, 25 October 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week3-Slides.pdf (file) 4.26 MB Category:Intro_to_Electronics These are the slides for the third session in the Intro to Electronics class. The main activity involved building a night light using an LED, an NPN BJT and a phototransistor. The schematic for that can be found [[Med 1
03:47, 18 October 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week2-Slides.pdf (file) 4.92 MB Category:Intro_to_Electronics These are the slides for the second session in the Intro to Electronics class. The main two activities involved building a voltage divider and using an LM317 voltage regulator. The schematics for those are [[Media:Int 1
01:16, 4 October 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week1-Slides.pdf (file) 6.04 MB Category:Intro_to_Electronics These are the slides for the first project in the Intro to Electronics class. There's some organizational information about the class in here, but the night's main project is to light up an LED using a switch. The sch 1
00:10, 1 May 2012 Hacdc.withtext.simplified.stl (file) 573 KB STL of the HacDC logo, extruded using Media:Hacdc.withtext.simplified.scad 1
00:04, 1 May 2012 Hacdc.withtext.simplified.scad (file) 68 bytes Really simple extrusion of Media:Hacdc.withtext.simplified.dxf in OpenSCAD of the HacDC logo 1
00:03, 1 May 2012 Hacdc.withtext.simplified.dxf (file) 278 KB DXF of the HacDC logo for use with OpenSCAD 1
16:08, 5 April 2012 Intro to (file) 45 KB Category:Intro_to_Electronics This is for Week 6 of the Intro to Electronics class. It's a printed circuit board design for the project at the end of Week 5. This has not been tested yet; it's bee 1
03:37, 5 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week5-2-Larson.svg (file) 40 KB Category:Intro_to_Electronics This is the third lesson of Week 5 of the Intro to Electronics class. It combines a decimal counter, OR gates and a 555-based astable multivibrator circuit to make a [ 1
03:34, 5 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week5-1-counter.svg (file) 45 KB Category:Intro_to_Electronics This is the second lesson of Week 5 of the Intro to Electronics class. It uses the output of a 555-based astable multivibrator circuit as the clock for a decimal counter that just turns on ten LEDs in order. 1
03:33, 5 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week5-0-switch.svg (file) 7 KB Category:Intro_to_Electronics This is the first lesson of Week 5 of the Intro to Electronics class. It illustrates logic levels using a switch and a pull-up resistor. 1
03:10, 5 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week4-2-555-potentiometer.svg (file) 14 KB Category:Intro_to_Electronics This is the third lesson of Week 4 of the Intro to Electronics class. It introduces students to potentiometers by using one to control the output frequency of a 555-based astable multivibrator circuit. 1
03:08, 5 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week4-1-555-LED.svg (file) 15 KB Category:Intro_to_Electronics This is the second less of Week 4 of the Intro to Electronics class. It simply uses the previous lesson to make a blue LED blink. 1
03:06, 5 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week4-0-555.svg (file) 12 KB Category:Intro_to_Electronics This is the first lesson of Week 4 of the Intro to Electronics class. It shows how to connect a 555 timer IC for operation as an astable multivibrator. 1
14:47, 3 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week3-2-phototransistor.svg (file) 11 KB Category:Intro_to_Electronics This is the third project in Week 3 of the Intro to Electronics class. In this project, students use a phototransistor to build a night light based on [ this post 1
01:43, 3 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week3-3-NOT.svg (file) 6 KB Whoops, forgot that Illustrator does silly things with SVG namespaces. 2
01:33, 3 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week3-1-BJT.svg (file) 8 KB Use a transistor as a switch! 1
01:26, 3 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week3-0-LED.svg (file) 5 KB Light up an LED again. 1
01:19, 3 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week2-3-LM317-filtered.svg (file) 10 KB Add an input filter capacitor to your voltage regulator. 1
01:16, 3 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week2-2-LM317.svg (file) 8 KB Hook up a voltage regulator! 1
01:02, 3 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week2-1-divider-loaded.svg (file) 7 KB What happens when you add a load to a voltage divider? 1
00:56, 3 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week2-0-divider.svg (file) 6 KB Build a voltage divider! 1
00:44, 3 April 2012 Intro to Electronics-Week1-0-LED.svg (file) 7 KB Light up an LED! 1