
Regular Member Meeting 2020 04 21

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

Date: April 21st, 2020
Called to order at 7:30 pm by Karen
Members present: Nine members present: Karen, Tayeb, Kevin, Matt
Members remote: None
Others present: One observer
Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes



  • Matt for 3D printing 40 face shields using his home printer and taking them to a hospital drop-off site

New Members

No new members

Old Business

  • Spring cleaning (but not gear cleaning) has begun. Clean those springs!

New Business

  • Discussing options for 3D printing if people are interested in aiding in the production of face shields. Places are currently looking for face shields and not masks and hospitals usually will tell you what they are looking for. There was a coordinated organizing effort in Baltimore, but not any well-coordinated efforts close to home.
  • Capture the Flag is a hope for the future but we will wait until we can talk to Tristan
  • Tayeb will start the deep learning online course soon and it will be managed entirely online this time, allowing more people to join

Project Awesome Reports

Project HAMRADIO - Jeff

Project Electron Microscope (SEM)

Member Reports

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Current balance is $5597. We are in the black for the last two months because we haven't yet paid rent in April or March. We are net +3567 in April, net +1000 in March. We currently have 19 dues paying members, and we have lost two members (or at least frequent donaters) over the past month.

Matt also recommends doing a drive for PPE, offers to send email to members list Karen asks if we have a method to tell the difference between a one-time donation and a member. We want to be able to see if we are losing members when we make the case to the church that we're looking for a break on the rent

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports


Adjourned by at xxx by xxx