

Category:Project Awesome

From HacDC Wiki

Project Awesome is a way for HacDC members to fund projects and increase the awesomeness of the space. Any members can propose a project, and each member can vote on the projects they want to support. Each month, any funds beyond our expenses get divided among the active projects according to the member votes. Here is the full proposal (approved by the members at the 11 Sept 2012 meeting).

Voting for Projects

Each HacDC member gets one vote which can be divided among the active projects as desired. To vote, send an email to with instructions on how you would like your vote divided (e.g. "100% to PROJECT_A" or "50% each to PROJECT_B and PROJECT_C".) Your vote will stay in force until changed.

Supporting Projects

If you would like to support one of the Project Awesome projects with an additional donation, just send funds to HacDC (using PayPal, Dwolla, or a paper check) and include the project code as a comment. The money will be earmarked for use in the project you have selected!

Project List

Members of HacDC can vote to support one of these projects by sending an email with the project code to ''.

Project Awesome Projects
Code Contact Email Status Link Summary
LASER Dan Barlow dan.r.barlow at Suspended PA_LaserCutter Buy, set up, and run a laser cutter for the space
CHEAP LASER James Sullivan kimosullivan at Active Cheap Chinese Laser Improve the laser safety, utility, and reliability
BYZANTIUM Ben Mendis dragonwisard at Suspended Build a rapidly deployable mesh network
KITBUILD Alberto Gaitán alberto.gaitan at Suspended PA_KitBuild Buy tools and kits for electronic kit-building workshops
SUPPLIES mirage335 spamfreemirage335 at Active Category:PA_SUPPLIES Repair equipment. Maintain consumables, office supplies, spare parts, and other items routinely needed or sold at HacDC
EXPANSION mirage335 spamfreemirage335 at Active Category:PA_EXPANSION Buy and/or build tools and equipment, with focus on rapid expansion of HacDC capabilities. Expansion categories include without exception, manufacturing, electronics, optics, particle physics, semiconductor fabrication, and biohacking.
SPACECAM Don Jones k6zo at Suspended Project_SPACECAM Purchase webcams to broadcast space activities on Ustream/website.
HAMRADIO Don Jones k6zo at Active Fund the maintenance, expansion of capabilities, and enhancement of the Amateur Radio Station (desk in the SW corner of the classroom and antennas on the roof). Also to accept external donations.
SEM Ethan Waldo ethan.waldo at Active PA_SEM Formalize, fund, and accelerate the efforts required to realize a fully operational Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) including its operation, maintenance, and stewardship.
OTR Julia Longtin president at Active PA_OTR Optical Table Robot includes work to build the large-format multi-tool on the basement optical table (3D printer, laser cutter, pick-n-place, router) as well as work to purchase and upgrade a smaller laser cutter tool for classroom use.
CRISPR Enrique Cobas treasurer at Active PA_CRISPR CRISPR-Cas9 is a revolutionary new gene-editing technique. Project CRISPR aims to purchase an educational DIY CRISPR Demo Kit ($130), learn and discuss some details of the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing process, perform and document the demo experiment several times at HacDC and explore interest in microbiology at HacDC going forward.

Pages in category "Project Awesome"

The following 7 pages are in this category, out of 7 total.