
Regular Member Meeting 2015 12 08

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

Called to order at 7:45 pm by Enrique
Members present: Juri, Don, Alex T., Ben, Bobby, Enrique
Members remote: Hunter, Mirage, Michael C, Kevin C, Celeste, Tom I.
Others present:
Quorum met?

Yes. 11/10

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


  • Matt's (and ITechGeek) fixing the church's router sorta earned us a near-$1,000 goodwill credit from St. Stephen's.

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Planning to run at the next election to continue as HacDC VP.

Has been a rough year. Expecting better next year.

New idea for the RFID lock system - electronic key switch and maglock. Might be a lot cheaper than installing an electronic door strike. Thanks to Makersmiths folk for the lively discussion.

No more excuses remain, Shawn Wilson's abandoned Rostock Max goes to the going-out pile next month.

Treasurer's Report

  • PayPal Balance: $2,459.02
  • Dwolla Balance: $3,470.00
  • BB&T Ballance: $2434.74
  • Income from membership dues: $1400
  • Donations: $175 ($15 for HARC)

Expenditures during Nov: $463.94 (bedbug killer, Paypal fee, and reimbursement for shelving)

Rent for DEC has been paid.

Secretary's Report

  • I created a basement work group,, to split off basement improvement discussions from the main members list. Currently it's Bobby, Dan, Julia, Matt, Christine and myself. Everyone is free to join if you're interested; otherwise we'll just update progress at meetings. The current update is that Brian thinks the leak should be fixed in a couple of days. I also swept and vacuumed some of the front room but it'll probably need a more thorough cleaning before we do anything to the floor. It seems like garage floor paint is inexpensive, fast and easy to apply (I've used it before, looks great). It should be well short of our $500 approved budget.

Director-at-Large Reports



Project Awesome Reports


  • Rostock Max extruder, hotend, mounting plate. Should be able to upgrade it to use exactly the same hardware as our reliable LulzBots.


No expenditures this month.


HARC meeting/dinner tomorrow nitght, planning for next year's HARC events Between 25-30 ham radio exams done this year new ham lives very close to HacDC, not here tonight though Elections are tomorrow night.

Project SEM

Member Reports


Extremely busy. TazMega still in progress, on account of some slowly delivered motors and broken lasers.

Please do not dispose of the items I mentioned on the mailing list. Including the old ThinkPad, electronic filters, and any >25W power amplifiers. If they are not wanted at HacDC, I will take them. Would be sad to see them trashed.

Old Business

  • Should we get a PO Box? The downsides are it's a new, additional recurring expense to the tune of $110/year or $10/mo (Mirage has volunteered to cover some of this), and someone would have to go fetch the mail at the post office. The upside would be direct, secure access to our mail with no middle man, even after hours, and a mailing address separate from St. Stephen's.

New Business

  • Should we have two meetings a month, rather than one very long one? In the past HacDC had two meetings a month with one meeting for official business (debate and vote on proposals) and the other for more informal updates (member, project and board officer reports). With few exceptions the current board hasn't met in person outside of monthly members meetings and doing so much business over email has big drawbacks. - Enrique
  • Our next meeting, in January, is the Annual Meeting where a new Board of Directors will be elected. At least one board member will not be running for re-election, so give some thought to running for a board position. (Yes we should stagger the terms but how? January & July elections? Discuss) - Enrique

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New Members



Adjourned by at 9:10 by Juri