
Regular Member Meeting 2014 11 18

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

November 18, 2014
Called to order at ___20:00___ by ___Dan Barlow____
Members present: Don, Evan, Phil, Enrique, Zack, Travis, Katie, Ben, Dan
Members remote: Chris, Jamie, Celeste, Mirage
Others present: Bobby, Christine
Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2014 10 14 Approved.


Dan Barlow - CNC machining on behalf of HacDC.

Director Reports

President's Report

Phil's grounddrone Kickstarter is going well and is probably going to make it.

Vice President's Report

Please direct all design inquiries to the members list. Thisservers as a notice of plans not a binding policy. It should be discussed outside of the meeting.

  • the church has signed up for Comcast business class (75/15)! Eta ~50 days.
  • the church also has the existing 3x3 ethernet for another year.
  • new network infrastructure is actively in progress.
    • wired connections
    • chaos VPN
  • currently running shell server in the space (email for an account)
  • soon to be running transparent apt proxy. It will intercept almost all unencrypted requests for Debian, Ubuntu, and mint packages and store the results locally. This will be paired with mirroring of repos done during off hours to (midnight to 6am). Meaning you will be able to run updates in less than a decade and without changing settings. There will be non-debian-based distros supported as well. There will also be locally accessible rsync, ftp, and http repos for those that want to skip the proxy.
  • there will not be any hosting of websites to the interwebs avaiable until after comcast is installed and broken in, and really we shouldn't be hosting anything to the internet for various reasons.
  • there will be tos for all the communal services. Mostly just the usual disclaimers of liability and various forms of "don't be a dick", things we shouldn't do. They will not in any way assert ownership over anything passing though or residing on the servers. ***Discus on members list!***
  • hardware required for remaining servers:
    • RAM : DDR2 FB-DIMMs, 2GB or larger modules.
    • HDD : all SATA, faster is better but 3Gb/s is enough. 1TB or more.
      • 2.5": 8+
      • 3.5": 10+
    • Sound absorption: Any fiberglass furnace filters would be appreciated. They will be used as air filters on a custom server muffler. Any ~19" quiet fans would also be apreciated.

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for October 2014: File:HacDC Financials 2014 10.pdf. We gained Don Jones as a new member. We lost Blake Wintermute, Christopher Hermance, Harry Detwiler, and Abraham Abbas. We have 41 dues-paying members in good standing and 6 dues-waived members.

Project Awesome

Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for October: File:HacDC PA Projects-2014 10.pdf. We continue to have to dip into savings to pay our rent, so no dividend this month. :(

Project LASER is in suspended status and needs to report this month to avoid cancellation. Project SPACECAM should technically have been cancelled but I believe its liaison made a September report that was unrecorded in the minutes so it will have another week to fill in the minutes before its status is re-evaluated.

Project SPACECAM is cancelled.

Secretary's Report

I installed that door handle that I bought two months ago for the Pirate bathroom. Otherwise, haven't done much.

Director-at-Large Reports

Travis ++++++ HackDC issue has been mostly resolved. They have agreed to cease use of the "HackDC" name and stop using the domain name by the end of the year.

Looking into ways of bringing money into the space to help with our finances. We need volunteers to keep the website up to date.

We need to show appreciation to Julia for her legal help with the "HackDC" issue. Ben will write a thank you letter.

Zack ++++++++ I participated in the UCP Life Labs Designathon two weeks ago where my team won the award for best prototype, a 3d printed bathroom stall latch for those with limited dexterity or strength DC. Life Labs is UCP's in-house technology initiative and they'd never heard of HacDC. I talking with them about how we locally (HacDC, LifeLabs, whomever else) can form a partnership to develop new technology and products to help those with disabilities. Regardless, I hope to get them all to visit us to see our space and talk about the problems they'd like help with...

Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER

Officially reported that he hasn't been doing anything.


No change.



Reimbursed SEM filament. Otherwise, not much happening.


Still running a deficit, still have tools in the basement to setup. Nothing spent.




Member Reports

Phil S. has made no progress this past month because of apartment troubles.

Enrique is looking for help with planning another cryptoparty for January 20th. Please contact him if you can help.

Don: Pat and Don have been active with the HAM radio station. They've participated in some world wide contests. Trying to reach out to more HAMs in the area to get the word out about HARC. Offered to look into getting grants for us.


New server ready for delivery to HacDC. Emphasis will be availability and uptime. Suitable for build servers, databases, IRC bouncers, etc. Will announce on members when plugged in at HacDC. Normal users get shell accounts on the host system, with privileges to launch OpenVZ guests. Acceptable use may be enforced through resource limits or loss of remote credentials. See Category:Servers and HacDC-shared-m335-1.

Full Gentoo/Funtoo OS tarballs with KDE and various customizations preinstalled now automatically generated and available for unpacking on fresh computers.

NetPLC finished. Low-cost, ultra-rugged, dual Ethernet/WiFi/XBee network connectivity, no dependency on external computer, and supports many peripherals. Intended to replace existing OccupancySensor, among other uses. PCB photo.

RostockMax has been wired for 24V heated bed. Need to add connectors, a better heatsink, and enable higher temperatures in firmware.

Sincere apologies for not getting to the space sooner and helping with Phil Walker's CNC milling project.

Old Business

New Business

Vote to approve $100 gift to each of our two security guards: Passed.

New Members

Christine Axsmith: Very active in HARC. She has helped us out a ton with publicity. Approved.

Pat: Also active in HARC. Thinks we're cool. Approved.


Adjourned at ___21:06____ by ___Dan B_____