
Regular Member Meeting 2013 02 12

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

February 12, 2013

Meeting called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Eric

Members Present: Eric, Lee, Martin, Jamie, Phil, Nadir, Christine, David, Katie, Chris, Ben the Pyrate, Alberto, Tim D., Tim S., Dan B. Others Present: Phil, Jarett, Dave, Ahmed, Loki

Quorum met? Yes!

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2013 01 08 Approved.


  • Jamie - getting the 3x3 working via marathon phone call to Megapath

Director Reports

President's Report

We had a hangout meeting to brainstorm ideas for increasing involvement in the space. We came up with some good ideas. Want people to realize that we're all volunteers with a finite amount of time, so we depend on all of us to make HacDC cool. We're happy to help you if you have an idea that you want help on. Working on new standing rules to make it easier to add new members and conduct business. Thought about making a web app to inventory member expertise (maybe a mobile RPG kind of thing?).

Vice President's Report

  • Did a great job of showing off for Gates Foundation / Beyond Access visit
  • aaronsw Memorial Hackathon went pretty well
  • ShmooCon is this weekend - we don't have a table but there will be several HacDC members there
  • HacDC LUG - Mailing list is setup already:

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for January 2013: File:HacDC Financials 2013 01.pdf. We gained three new membership subscriptions (from Ahmed Aden, Nicholas Jacobsen, and TJ Johnson, and lost Peter Edworthy. We had 55 paying members and 2 non-paying members. Our dues revenue is greater than expenses again, thanks to everyone for paying and thanks again to those that donate extra. With extra donations we had a non-earmarked monthly net of $322.

I rolled over the accounting spreadsheets for 2013 but have not yet filed our 990-N with the IRS (due in April) or renewed our business license with DC (due in March). I will be sending out donation acknowledgement letters for 2012 as soon as time permits.

Quorum is 14.

Project Awesome

We had a small surplus so I am able to declare a $200 Project Awesome dividend and add $122 to our reserves. Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for January: File:HacDC PA Projects-2013 01.pdf. We don't have a lot of votes for Project Awesome projects so if you want some say in how money is spent at HacDC please email your vote to!

Secretary's Report

  • Anti-Harassment Policy and Diversity Statement are ready to be voted on next month at the Annual Meeting
  • inviting recipients of (defunct?) HacDC Newsletter to subscribe to new announcements list (10 at a time...)
  • could coordinate writing of a please-donate spiel that instructors/speakers would be encouraged to read at the beginning of public events and classes

Director-at-Large Reports


Had an FCC licensing exam. Minted a bunch of new hams. This is the first time there has been a licensing exam in DC in some time. Under the aegis of ARRL, but if we affiliate with a Laurel group, we could offer exams for free instead of charging $15.


Not here.

Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER

Tim has been busy with non-HacDC-related stuff. Added a bunch of links to different laser cutter companies. The first company we were looking at sounded like they treated customers like crap. There are many choices to be researched. There are candidates for around $5500.



Not much happening.

Project 3DP

No report.

Member Reports


Would do repeat of Arduino Processing workshop. Would like to have a Danger Shield kit build at the beginning of that.

Suggests we consider pairing with Knowledge Commons and other organizations in the area to offer classes, especially multi-session ones.


Anyone who wants to host an event is encouraged to use our Meetup to set one up or coordinate an informal gathering at the space. That includes study groups for the multitude of online university courses available to the public.


The Ryobi drill press has been destroyed, both the motor shaft and spindle are bent (in different directions). The cost of replacing the motor is almost as much as a new drill press. Recommend decommissioning. Ash donated a drill press that's currently in the basement.

What if we adopt a democratic procedure (like for Project Awesome) but with the resource being physical space instead of money? People should think about what tools we need upstairs and what would be fine living in the basement.

Jon Singer has been shedding equipment, putting it mostly at the "Maker Tech Tuesday" warehouse. In particular there's a platform that could make a good 3D printer platform. In parallel with our professional laser-as-a-tool, Dan will be working on laser-as-a-project.

Listing the equipment in the basement and clarifying what people are interested in would be useful.

Found a cheap source of Chinese laser pointer modules. Got 60 for $20. Intend to run a laser toy class.

Unhappy: we still have the back room staged for a disposal process. Go down and look in the piles. Pile 1 has been there for months; it's basically all crap. We'd like permission to part it out and throw the rest away. Part 2 is historic but not especially useful stuff. Give Dan feedback. We'll try to make appropriate policies for next month's annual meeting.

Old Business


New Business


New Members

Jarett does IT stuff in DC for nonprofits and associations, a ham radio operator. Wears a tie, but it's okay because it doubles as an antenna. :) Lee nominated, Ben seconded. Unanimously approved.

Dave Howard. He takes stuff apart and breaks it. Wants to make DDWRT for NAS. Ben nominated, Martin seconded. Approved.

Phil has been coming in on Mondays. web scraping and data aggregation projects as they relate to helping job-seekers. Alberto nominated, Haxwithaxe seconded. Approved.

Ahmed: computer network engineer. Interested in learning about programming, ham radio, analog electronics. Is donating a DSP. Also helped us show off for the Gates Foundation presentation. Ben nominated, Martin seconded. Approved.

Loki. Only here for a few months (until end of May). Started hackerspace in Portland. Current project is DARPA spectrum challenge. Martin nominated, Alberto seconded. Approved.


Adjourned at 9:27 pm