Regular Member Meeting 2012 09 11
From HacDC Wiki
Time and Location
September 11, 2012
Meeting called to order at 7:43pm by Brad
Members Present: Brad, John, Martin, Jamie, Ben, Andy, Dan, Katie, Eric, Phil, Tim, Chris, Bjorn, Nadir, Rich
Others Present: Angela, Nathan, Samudra
Quorum met? Yes
Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes
- Approved* Regular Member Meeting 2012 08 14
Director Reports
President's Report has organized a party on Oct 16th at HacDC. Reddit coverage on this as well.
In collaboration with KCDC, taught a Lockpicking class. Journalist from RT attended and would like to host an interview on cryptoparties.
Vice President's Report
Interviewed on Packet Pushers podcast - gained a great deal of interest as a result. Lots of cool events upcoming on Meetup. Sign up and RSVP!!
Treasurer's Report
Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for Aug 2012: File:HacDC Financials 2012 08.pdf We added two members in August (Sharad Satsangi and Nick Beauregard) but had a record number of 7 non-paying members - I think some of those are dropping membership but haven't informed us. With 55 paying members we are at break even in dues, but we continue to get generous additional donations which leave us ahead $160 for the month despite some extra expenses - thanks to the members who give more!
We spent $91.75 on business cards for the BoD and 2000 general ones with '' on them - this was approved months ago. Spent $19 on keys and $50 from earmarked donations went to EricM for the projector light bulb.
Quorum stays at 14 considering the members who have dropped or been dropped as of today.
Nothing to report
Director-at-Large Reports
Nothing to report
Member Reports
Hacking the Gender Gap, a workshop run by The Hacktory to explore the gender gap in tech/science/math, will take place at 2 p.m. on Saturday, September 22.
Video from Lightning Talks V is up. Think about what you'd like to share in a five-minute talk at the next round on November 3.
If you like Project Byzantium and would like to help promote it, please consider chipping in a few bucks toward an order of Byzantium logo/QR code stickers.
Created a Google group for random press releases sent to HacDC.
Betascape fest at MICA the weekend of 21st. Look for an announcement on the mailing list.
Built and donated new 3D printer! Documentation on wiki.
Byzantium travelling to Barcelona in October to attend community mesh networking conference. Interested in representing as many related groups as possible eg. Recovers, MoCo ham club HSMM.
Needs low-cost micro-gravity experiment boxes (that work) to send to ISS. Offering $2k prize.
Made contact with South Portland hackerspace. They exist!
Old Business
New Business
Project Awesome
- Approved* (Tim Slagle) I sent out my "Project Awesome" proposal to the HacDC:Members list last week, and some discussion followed. My official proposal is here. If we have quorum I'd like to vote on it tonight, and start accepting project proposals for the September funding cycle. Details of how to vote are still being worked out however. The simplest plan is for each member to vote for exactly one project by sending email to It would be nice (but more complicated) to allow people to divide their vote among multiple projects. I have a Google Form for voting, but it would require people to log in with a account (which every member can have), plus some additional processing to validate and compute to the project vote totals.
New Director At Large 2
New Members
- Approved* Inventor of broadband communication devices. VSAT networks in West Africa to East Asia. Formed wireless ISP in Bangladesh. PhD student at GWU working on space research. Wants to build crowd-sourced distributed ground control stations for spacecraft.
Adjourned at: 8:57pm