
Regular Member Meeting 2013 08 13

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 13:43, 13 August 2013 by Haxwithaxe (talk | contribs) (→‎Recognition: adding a bunch of people)

Time and Location

August 13, 2013
Called to order at ___ by ___.
Members present:
Others present:
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2013 07 09


  • Alberto - for running a classy class and giving the kitbuild tools a maiden voyage.
  • Dan B & Mirage - for getting the laser up and running, and training people to use it.
  • David W - for helping the church guard out by giving him a laptop and hopefully for having fixed it by this meeting.
  • Sean N - 1) for successfully forking and merging his genetic code 2) for getting a bunch of us on retroshare
  • ITG and Shawn S - for spearheading the next cryptoparty organization

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for July 2013: File:HacDC Financials 2013 07.pdf. We gained David Pietrocola as a new member (voted in last month), and prospective members Jeffery Herrity and Robert Ryan-Silva have already started paying dues. Jason Fox and Chris Danicic were voted in as members last month but have yet to pay dues; four other members are delinquent on dues. Graham C., Timothy R., and Nicolas J. (Loki) left. Five people (members and non-members) made non-dues donations.

Project Awesome

We had a surplus so I am able to declare a $__ Project Awesome dividend and add $__ to our reserves. Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for July: File:HacDC PA Projects-2013 07.pdf. There are currently 15 votes.

Secretary's Report

Nothing to report.

Director-at-Large Reports

Shawn Nock


Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER





Member Reports


Bought, working, and draining to the outside. Steam pipe opening sealed. (cut on 3 sides to enter, tape afterwards)

Is it sufficient?

Old Business

New Business

New Members


Adjourned at ___.