
Regular Member Meeting 2013 05 14

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

May 14, 2013 Called to order at ___ Members present: Others present: Quorum?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2013 04 09


Thanks to Matthew Hines (mirage335) for overhauling the PrusaMendel.

Thanks to haxwithaxe and itg for installing new hardware in the server closet.

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for April 2013: File:HacDC Financials 2013 04.pdf. We gained five new members, Shawn W., Shawn N. (one of our at-large directors!), Kevin, George, and non-pyrate Ben. We lost four members, Tim S. (will be a "Friend of HacDC" donor for the time being), Bradford, Paul, and Andy Ta.

I have filed our 990-N with the IRS.

Quorum remains at 14.

Project Awesome

We had a surplus so I am able to declare a $500 Project Awesome dividend and add $131.52 to our reserves. Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for April: File:HacDC PA Projects-2013 04.pdf. There are now 16 votes total.

There is a new Project Awesome project, SPACECAM, with the aim of purchasing webcams to broadcast space activities on Ustream/website. Project 3DP transitioned to Project SUPPLIES as discussed at the previous monthly meeting.

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports

Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER




Special Thanks

Major credits to Julia Longtin (aka. juri) for advice and speedy replacement parts on multiple occasions. Prusa Mendel would not be operational without that assistance. In particular, replacement makergear hot end was provided within a single day.

3D Printers

Prusa Mendel Repairs

Multiple disabling failures occurred in quick succession, partly provoked by high room temperature. Repairs factored in more robust replacements, and preemptively addressed future problems. Details at the operators log.

Cupcake Makerbot

Since the motor driving board was removed, this machine is merely taking up space. A representative from a Pittsburg hackerspace is willing to donate $100 for it. Alternatives include return to original owner, or crating it.


Printer uptime and costs 50% split between maintenance and production. More robust printer may be needed. Also, FlexReplicator based on OpenRail is in development, and may become available to HacDC.


About $80 in receipts are planned for submission to the supplies fund. M3/M4 hardware, LM8UU bearings, PLA plastic. My (mirage335's) own costs are about $70 higher, plus time spent.


Member Reports


Occupancy sensor hardware continues transmitting data reliably.

Old Business

New Business

  • Privacy_Policy is put forward for member vote as officially adopted policy. Notification was sent to members on 04May2013.
  • Licensing Policy is put forward for member vote as officially adopted policy. Notification was also sent to members on 04May2013.
  • Vote to approve "Article II: Membership" and "Article III: Expenditures and Reimbursements" from the Proposed Standing Rules.
  • Shop Rules is put forward for member vote. Such rules as these are pointed to in Article VI in Proposed Standing Rules.

New Members


Adjourned at _____