
Regular Member Meeting 2013 04 09

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

April 9, 2013

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

  • Draft: Shop Rules
  • Call for certification standards for the more dangerous tools
    • who can certify?
    • what if any experience and/or training is required?
    • rules for operation (primarily safety best practices)?
    • explicit safe/unsafe locations within or adjacent to the space?
    • examples:

Treasurer's Report

Project Awesome

Secretary's Report

Working out Secretary's duties, trying to determine current rules for tracking member list and announcing meetings. Otherwise nothing new to report. Gatohaus 10:40, 8 April 2013 (PDT)

Director-at-Large Reports

Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER


  • ISC Grant:
    • Meetings (semiweekly hangouts/meatspace)
    • RasPi - ByzPi
    • next Goal - Mac compatibility
    • 3rd Goal - Mesh over Ham radio
    • 4th Goal - 0.4b release with all the fun stuff created in the other goals


Project 3DP

Justin Myers purchased 2lbs of PLA plastic. This will probably last a few months. In the long run, many types of supplies are needed at HacDC, so a general supplies fund of some kind is needed. We should fund that ASAP.

Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

  • Last Consider (no vote) Article II of the Proposed Standing Rules for voting on at next month's meeting.

New Members
