
Regular Member Meeting 2012 11 13

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

November 13, 2012

Meeting called to order at 7:xx by XXX

Members Present:

Others Present:

Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2012 09 11 - No quorum last month, need to approve this month.

Regular Member Meeting 2012 10 09

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

The Project Byzantium team spent last weekend in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn working with the Red Hook Initiative to roll out a mesh network and deliver Internet access to public parks and the the public housing buildings, many of which are still without power.

The Elements of Computing Systems is starting back up, class tomorrow on Machine Language. Sign up on Meetup.

We have applied for a FEMA grant along with OTI, MtPCWN, CHCWN, and the Mount Pleasant Solar Co-op to develop a disaster-resilient mesh network that will provide communication and services in the event of an emergency which disrupts traditional infrastructure (similar to what RHI is doing in Brooklyn).

Project Byzantium attended IS4CWN in Barcelona and built connections with other community wireless and mesh networking teams and experts from around the globe.

The Broadband Bridge is in the planning stages of forming a Co-op ISP that would be able to re-sell the DC-CAN fiber network at more reasonable pricing. We may finally be able to get Internet that doesn't suck at St. Stephens.

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for October 2012: File:HacDC Financials 2012 10.pdf We had one member join (Robert King), and two members are being dropped because of not paying dues or responding to emails (Alan McCosh and Lawrence Scott). After a flurry of emails, non-paying members are down from eight to four - thanks to everyone that paid up their back dues!

Quroum remains at 14.

We had a bunch of one-time donations in October which resulted in a surplus: $300 from Shana Kim, $200 from the family Christina Kalavritinos in memory of self-taught maker Ralph Ochsman, $100 from Christine Prefontaine (earmarked for Byzantium), donations to cover missed dues payments, and a wad of cash from the tip jar that had piled up in between trips to the bank (including about $100 from the Raspberry Pi workshop). As a result we had a $1558 surplus over expenses!

Project Awesome

Because of the large one-time donations, I am able to declare a $1200 Project Awesome dividend and still put $250 away for our reserve. Since only one project has been proposed as of Oct 31st - Project LASER - it got 100% of the votes and money for October.

I am disappointed that more projects haven't been proposed, but maybe this amount will get peoples' attention - if you had proposed and voted for your project you'd have at least $300 to spend on it. I don't know of any similar donations in the coming months but like the lottery, you can't win if you don't play.

Here is the spreadsheet I'm using to track Project Awesome funding: File:HacDC PA Projects-2012 10.pdf.


Director-at-Large Reports



Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER

Money building up ($2700 now earmarked) but still shy of >$4000 for the larger FSLaser 40W model. Should we try to raise money or just wait for more PA funds? Found a less expensive water cooler option at Rabbit Laser, avoids mess of tank under laser table: --TimS

Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

Elect a new President

Brad has resigned, according to the Bylaws we need to elect a new President to replace him.

New Members


Adjourned at: 8:xx pm