
Regular Member Meeting 2010 11 09

From HacDC Wiki

Note: This page serves as the 2010-11-09 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

November 9, 2010 Meeting called to order at ___ by ___.

Members Present:

Others Present:

Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2010 10 12

Director Reports

President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Vice President's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports



Come to T2: Return of Tea Night on Sunday at 7 p.m.

Go HacDC Spaceblimp 3! (Launch planned for Saturday the 13th.)

Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

New Members

Sunsh1ne - Formerly of Twin Cities maker now in the DC area. Has been paying dues, but unfortunately could not make it to the meeting tonight. Talk to Alberto, timball, or (possibly) Elliot for more information.


Adjourned at ___.