
Welcome to the HacDC Wiki

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 00:15, 14 April 2023 by Galtay (talk | contribs) (add discord link to opener)

Welcome to HacDC. We are a hacker space located in Washington, DC. HacDC members improve the world by creatively rethinking technology. We break, build, and occasionally abuse technology in the pursuit of greater knowledge about how it works and repurposing it to build new things. Our shop is located in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of the District of Columbia.

If you're new here, you should start by looking at our public web site at and our discord ( . Our Wiki is mostly for internal organization, but you're welcome to look through to get a sense of what we work on (and consider joining yourself!). We invite you to subscribe to our Blabber public discussion mailing list. If you've already joined and are a new member, please visit our On-Boarding page to join the communications channels, get access to the space, hold an event/class, vote on new equipment (or make suggestions), and more!

2023-02-27: Heads up! Our wiki is being rearranged to emphasize our ongoing events and projects. Some of the older links may be shuffled to the end of the page, or be placed under a secondary "archive" or "archeology" page. Problems? Please message on Discord. - Calli


< All our neat tools/toys/supplies, layout of the space, etc. >

Popular Links

< Themes and threads that span across the other categories in the Wiki. This is also where we keep things that don't easily fit in other categories >

Project Worklogs

< Where our projects collaborate and document their research and progress. >


< Pages on people in our community >


< Our Policy Manual is divided into the following subcategories >

Extra stuff, buried by wiki cleanup.


Cool Stuff Going On Right Now!

< Workshops, Projects, Brainstorming Sessions >


< Join our HacDC Meetup Group to stay on top of all our events > {{#get_file_data: file=events |format=JSON |data=name=name,link=link,start_date=start_date,start_time=start_time,end_date=end_date,end_time=end_time }} {{#get_file_data: file=log |format=JSON |data=updated=updated }}

Start Time End Time Event {{#for_external_table:
{{{start_date}}} {{{start_time}}} {{{end_date}}} {{{end_time}}} [{{{link}}} {{{name}}}]


(Events list last updated: {{#external_value:updated}})

Past Cool Stuff That Will Happen Again

< Ask us about any project you'd like to resurrect >