
Regular Member Meeting 2023 01 10

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 01:42, 11 January 2023 by Ubuntourist (talk | contribs)

Time and Location

Called to order at 19:40 pm by ???
Members present: Tristan, Gabe, Kevin, Matt, Michelle
Members remote:
Others present: Si, Michael Wang, Calli
Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes



  • Gabe for fixing the old server (jobs / renderman)
  • Obi for filling in last month
  • Tristan for addin a new course (Nix)

New Members

  • Calli

Old Business

  • LaserCutter repair: Tristan and Calliope are working on bringing it back to life.
    • Adding safety locks.
    • Create safety documents.
    • Tristan posted a link to OSHA's Laser Hazards page.
    • Get information on goggles: What to buy, where to buy, etc.

New Business

  • Elections
    • Michelle is stepping down as president at the end of her term. (Building a house, doing more bio research with John Hopkins, etc.)
    • Matt's third year as treasurer is up.
    • Kevin reluctant to be on the board again, but could do Secretary if push comes to shove.
    • Tentative slate: Obi for President, Tristan for Treasurer, Draft Phil Shapiro for.. At-Large?, Matt may also do At-Large
      • Michelle will reach out to Phil
  • HacDC automated phone service not working? Again? According to a visitor on Jan 5 Visitors' Night, the phone menu is still there, but no longer rings the space, and somewhere else in the tree it says the space has been "closed since March" (year unspecified).
  • Reach out to the wider hackerspace community for better training,
    • Nation of Makers
      • Dorothy Jones-Davis has stepped down as Executive Director at Nation of Makers
      • $350 per year membership
  • Chris Knight and Daniel Aaron are interested in cyber-security / Capture the Flag etc, on the server Chris is bringing to life.
  • Possible one-off courses.
    • Calli offering to run a small series on web scraping/indexing, or perhaps user experience design.
    • Tristan talking about Capture the Flag and/or FreeCAD class.
    • Combine Web Scraping and Machine Learning classes
  • Use Discord more.

Project Awesome Reports

Project SUPPLIES - ???

Project EXPANSION - ???

Project HAMRADIO - ???

Project Electron Microscope (SEM) - ???

Project Media Outreach - ???

Project IT Infrastructure - ???

Member Reports

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

  • When Coinbase hits $400 we're pulling the money out of that. $458.00 at present.
  • Jeffrey Dahn gave $15
  • Changing the reporting schedule from "meeting-to-meeting" to "1st-of-month-to-1st-of-month". This means the current report is a few days short.
  • In cooperation with MoCo Makers / DMV Petri Dish, money was won at the Hack for NF - Children's Tumor Foundation, some of which was donated (we think) to HacDC.

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports




Adjourned by at ??? by ???