
Regular Member Meeting 2021 02 16

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Revision as of 01:21, 17 February 2021 by Tark (talk | contribs) (edit2)

Time and Location

Date: February 16th, 2021
Called to order at 7:40 pm by Karen
Members present: (7) Karen, Ken, Luis, Matt, Tayeb, Kevin, John, Oby, Michelle, Gabriel Altay
Members remote: None
Others present: Isaiah
Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes



New Members

Old Business

  • John: Time of year to talk to Mike about the future years rent situation -- should we reach out to Mike or wait for him to reach out to us? Update: Meeting with Mike on the 27th of January, BOD to meet at Tuesday 6:30 day prior to discuss.

Meeting with Mike has happened -- Karen: The rent should not jump up to $1400 again we should re-ask Mike whether the rent will slowly adjust ($1043 first) John: Basement is continuing to flood -- stopping the basement from flooding is essential for continued use of the basement Tayeb: Rent laser cutter for use with contractor services Michelle: Creating a revenue stream, wondering if we had polled our members to see what kind of programming would be most useful for them. John: HacDC Ham radio club used SurveyMonkey to assess priorities and was useful, could be used with Blabber+members -- use Meetup as well. Michelle volunteers to meet with Tayeb to design survey and then work with board Need to work to develop non-dues revenue -- ask for $5-10 per event as a donation Isaiah: My experience is the best way to raise money is to have sponsorships -- Kevin: used to have sponsorships in the past, Adafruit or other companies that sold electronics. Michelle: Happy to reach out to network of technology companies. Matt: have done sponsorship in the past Karen: We need to be tracking how many people are at events (online or otherwise) and using the space. Do the dues need to be structured differently? Karen: Venmo is stupid when it comes to organizations, gave up.

  • Tayeb: Ken, Kevin, Tayeb, Obi and Luis currently meeting and have plans for kickstarting the weekly course meetings in the following weeks. To send update on the members email list and reach out to Words Beats and Life.

New Business

  • 2021 HacDC Board Elections

Project Awesome Reports

Project HAMRADIO - Jeff

Project Electron Microscope (SEM)

Member Reports

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Financial Report: Current Balance -- $7002 We currently have 18 paying members, $990 from dues and an additional $590 from donations. Rent is $732 for September, total expenses are $793

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports


Adjourned by at 20:38 by Karen