
Regular Member Meeting 2019 06 11

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Revision as of 00:44, 12 June 2019 by Karen (talk | contribs) (→‎Adjournment)
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Time and Location

June 11 2019
Called to order at 7:58pm by Karen
Members present: Ken, Kevin, Bobby, Karen, James
Members remote:
Others present: Kyle, ITechGeek (remote)
Quorum: 5
Quorum met? Y

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Karen has to type in from recap email - can present for approval in July


  • Karen et al for an outstanding Tech Circus at the Dupont Underground

New Members

Maxxwell Michelle

Old Business

  • Letterhead finished? Where's it at?
  • On a related note, a "Thank you" (on letterhead) to Bruno for the hardware donation

New Business

Project Awesome Reports

Project SUPPLIES - Mirage

Project EXPANSION - Mirage

Project HAMRADIO - Jeff

Project Electron Microscope (SEM) - Julia

Project Optical Table Robot (OTR) - Julia

Project CRISPR -Enrique

- Report and updates

Project SpaceBlimp -Enrique

- Report and updates

Project Media Outreach - Matt

Project IT Infrastructure - Tom

Member Reports

  • Kevin: I continue to struggle with the TAZ 1.0 and am beginning to believe that there is a hardware failure. The system consistently fails to recognize where the home position of the Z axis is, and grinds the extruder into the bed. However, I've considerably shrunk the distance for moving the Z axis AWAY from the bed. Telling the TAZ to move the Z axis up 1 mm is now much closer to 1 mm instead of 100 mm.

[Karen note]Julia may be coming to visit DC soon, so perhaps she can take a peek.

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

Exiles on U Street fundraiser planning Cryptoparty - figure out a date maybe fall 2019? 3d printing class the week of June 24 - guinea pigs are ready, just need to confirm with Matt Code of conduct Next movie night next July 12 - maybe Young Frankenstein? Real Genius? Field trip to Nonstop Art week of July 1 - see how they are using their space, volunteer to support them on a project and, hopefully, learn about community projects in the process.

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

17 members, 2 of whom are students Took over square, can take cc payments (reader in bod locker) Namecheap is registrar for - don't think we need it. We'll keep it Need to do signature cards still Still need to pay for HacDC's portion of dumpster rental Business license $26/month for two years - recommends paying it since we are very close to the limit for those businesses that need a license Did a survey of other spaces, membership fees are generally $70/month - should we raise membership fees for new members? Also work on benefit offerings. Please remember to use

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports


see member report


Continues to attend PSA 702 meetings, will be working with kids to use the VR system as a motivator Will be setting up an account for HacDC with no purchasing privileges for his Vive - still working through the requirements


Adjourned by at 8.50p by Karen