
Regular Member Meeting 2016 12 13

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Revision as of 04:56, 7 December 2016 by Summakor (talk | contribs) (asdf)
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Time and Location

Called to order at xxxx pm by xxxx
Members present:
Members remote:
Others present:
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


New Members

Old Business

New Business

  • Project Awesome Dividend (project funds allocations) may need to be changed. The current rule says project funds allocations come from the month's total surplus ("cash accounting"). That's simple and means the allocation will never put HacDC in the red for the month. But it means that expenses by one project reduce surplus and allocation to all other projects for that month. If we get a $500 donation and coincidentally Project X spends $500 that month, there is no surplus left to distribute and the $500 donation ends up in Reserves.
  • Next meeting is the Annual Meeting and we have elections for board of directors. Who's running for what? President, Vice-President(and IT support), Secretary, Treasurer, Director At-Large 1, Director At-Large 2.

Project Awesome Reports




Project Electron Microscope (SEM)

The shipping date for the vacuum gauge has been pushed back to January! AArgh! We asked for a quote on another gauge and it was twice the cost.

Project Optical Table Robot (OTR)

Project CRISPR

We've purchased fresh DNA and RNA to repeat the experiment another 5 times. I'm also in touch with a researcher at George Washington U. who is willing to come give a short talk about his work with CRISPR. However the date to put this event together... slips...

Project SpaceBlimp

The SpaceBlimp team had a post-launch meeting to review what went right and wrong. We still have video to edit.

Member Reports

Enrique - No cryptoparty interest, really? Come on. What kind of hackerspace is this?

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports




Adjourned by at xxx by xxx