
Regular Member Meeting 2014 10 14

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

October 14, 2014
Called to order at ______ by ______
Members present:
Members remote:
Others present:
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2014 09 09


  • ag4ve - Cryptoparty organization.
  • Dan Barlow - More progress on the SEM. Continued laser cutter work. Cleanup. Awesome guy!
  • Hunter - More progress on the SEM. Successfully assisting remote diagnosis and reconnection of the Occupancy Sensor.
  • Julia Longtin - Funding and beginning construction of our Optical Table Robot. Supported the cryptoparty. Also obtained much-needed upgrade components for the RostockMax.
  • Justin Myers - Taking on SEM filament purchase.
  • Katie - Getting HacDC on eBay. Continuing timely and orderly HacDC financial reports.
  • Lee - Getting HacDC on eBay.
  • Cleanup Participants - Anyone who helped cleanup the space.

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for September 2014: File:HacDC Financials 2014 09.pdf. We didn't gain any new members. We lost Andrew Harris and Mike Chelen. We have 41 dues-paying members in good standing, 7 dues-waived members, and 2 members who are behind on dues.

Project Awesome

Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for September: File:HacDC PA Projects-2014 09.pdf. We continue to have to dip into savings to pay our rent, so no dividend this month. :(

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports

Tokutek approached the BoD about using the space for a meetup and I volunteered to coordinate with them. The event was planned for 10/13, but was canceled and I'm now working with them to figure out new dates during the week of 12/15. They'd love for the membership to come out and hear their tech talk, and there will be beer and pizza for everyone in attendance.

We should also receive (hopefully soon?) 5 new Intel Edison development kits that Intel is donating to the space. These are dual-core Atom processors with an integrated MCU. Watch the blabber list for announcement of their arrival.


Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER




No expenditures this month. SEM filament has been ordered, and may be reimbursed soon.


Would be nice if we had more funding.


Member Reports


Tyler Durden moved in.

HacDC was a mess this morning, as documented on the mailing list. To make progress toward usable equipment and stable income, we need to prevent this from happening ever again.

Let's put up an RFID door entry system ASAP. Would be in favor of any expenditure, despite our limited finances, to get this done immediately, not hopefully in six months. As in, paying someone to just get it done would be fine.

In the meantime, unless there are strong objections, I would like to install a few webcam enabled WYSE terminals to take photos when the ambient light changes suddenly (ie. lights on/off). This would record 'before/after' photos, nothing more.


Making progress with other HacDC members to cleanup, build new equipment, develop business opportunities. Still, our financial situation is a bit limiting, and we can do more to stay sane.

Have heard about various successes contacting the Fire Station wireless accesspoint. Let's make it a top priority to deploy something like Ubiquity 24GHz backhaul units at both ends ASAP. Their 900mHz basestation and highly directional antennas may also be able to cut through the clutter at 150MBits. We could really use extra credit from our host.

HacDC's servers are still not available for regular use by members. Planning to deploy Debian Stable within the next couple weeks, borrowing a suitable machine tonight.

Much of our equipment is functional, but not accessible. This includes printers, the plotter, scanners, and more. Clearing shelves and floor space will create opportunities to deploy these tools, giving members more opportunities to accomplish projects.

Old Business

New Business

New Members


Adjourned at _______ by _________