
Regular Member Meeting 2014 06 10

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

June 10, 2014
Called to order at ______ by ______
Members present:
Others present:
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2014 05 13

Regular Member Meeting 2014 04 08


  • Martin, for roof expedition and photographic inspection of roof antenna condition.
  • Julia Longtin (aka. juri) and Shawn Wilson (aka. AG4VE) for continued work assembling and commissioning our new 3D printers.
  • Dan Barlow, Tommy Johnson, and anyone else involved in bringing us an engine hoist for deploying the optical table.
  • Zach, for fixing the large TV.

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

  • 1 server is configured and ready to use
    • still needs a 3U or smaller PSU >=500W to be able to close the case

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for May 2014: File:HacDC Financials 2014 05.pdf. We did not gain any new members, and we lost three members: Ann Millspaugh, Griffin Boyce, and Sharad Satsangi. We have 43 dues-paying members in good standing, 8 dues-waived members, and 5 members who are behind on dues.

Project Awesome

Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for May: File:HacDC PA Projects-2014 05.pdf. Since we had to dip into our savings again (to the tune of $400+) to pay our rent, I did not declare a Project Awesome dividend for the month of May.

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports



Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER




Directed Katie to order the following:

  • 23mil end mil (for PCB hole milldrilling)
  • Labeling tape for our label maker.

Projected expenses still include:

  • 3D printer supplies/parts.
  • SEM supplies/parts.
  • Possibly parts for the optical table if not funded otherwise.


Have not ordered bandsaw yet, still been busy, still need to confirm blade compatibility.


Member Reports



Have been busy, personally and professionally.


Boulder estimated at 1 metric ton. From buried yard debris to decoration.


Have created a Gentoo/Funtoo ebuild/package overlay incorporating most of my enhancements. Additionally plan to host more enhancements on a local server at HacDC. Plan to deploy several laptops with KDE and other things.

Optical Table

Heard we now have the engine hoist at HacDC. Perhaps that could be used to deploy the table after the meeting.


Need to make the space inviting, which means fully operational equipment and cleaned up spaces. To that end, might borrow one of the 3D printers to try various firmware, and will set up some laptops with usable Linux software.



  • New ham cart computer
    • Debian Testing
    • Shooting for 100% FOSS (not likely but will try)
  • Field Day 2014
  • Roof hardware
    • Tuner has been nonfunctional so needed to replace it
    • Adding NVIS antenna
    • Adding 3GHz router
    • Replacing the mast for the existing 2.4GHz router with one for the 3GHz and 2.4GHz combined
    • Making everything more professional looking and adding disruptive cammo (subtle blue, grey, white) for elements visible from the street
  • DC DOH Training - June 20th
  • FCC License exam - Here June 21st - Free

Old Business

New Business

New Members


Adjourned at _____ by _______