
Regular Member Meeting 2012 12 11

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

December 11, 2012

Meeting called to order at _____ by _____

Members Present:

Others Present:

Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2012 11 13


Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for November 2012: File:HacDC Financials 2012 11.pdf We had one member join (Joseph Curtin), and four members dropped or were dropped (Alan McCosh, Lawrence Scott, Ketan Kadiwala, and sean rutledge). Nine non-paying members left us with only 48 paying members. This is far below the 57 we need to meet expenses, and I hope we can turn the trend around ASAP. I sent out many emails and got some dues signups but quite a few are still outstanding.

Quroum remains at 14.

Ignoring our uncashed rent check, regular expenses exceeded dues revenues and additional donations by $138.

Project Awesome

We deferred $300 Project Awesome funds to this month, but because of the shortfall I am only able to declare a $100 project dividend for November. Two other projects got proposed (BYZANTIUM and KITBUILD) but no one actually voted for BYZANTIUM yet, so $33 went to KITBUILD and $67 went to Project LASER in November.

Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for November: File:HacDC PA Projects-2012 11.pdf.

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports



Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER

The response to my request for additional donations to Project LASER has been awesome - $1350 from 11 members, plus $100 cash from the November meeting. So with the previously earmarked $2566, we are at $4016!! In addition, Brian Harrington's company is supposed to give us a matching donation of at least $250. My total for the Full Spectrum Laser "new hobby" model laser order was $4360 so we are very close!

If anyone has suggestions on a better laser cutter for ~$4400 all in, please let me know! People have some complaints about Full Spectrum Engineering and although the laser seems like a good value, it is not the equal of the "real" ones from Epilog or whereever. I'll certainly do more research before going through with the order. --Tim



There was a hot sale at so I bought 10 sets of irons, solder, wick, tools, and DMMs. Total cost was about $300. I also bought 30 SMT Christmas tree kits for $1 each. We will figure out reimbursement details later. Been too busy with Project LASER to plan a workshop but am still interested. --Tim

Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

  • Proposal to approve holiday gift of $100 to our excellent security guard.

New Members


Adjourned at: