
Meeting Records

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 03:55, 22 May 2012 by SteveB (talk | contribs)

Wednesday, 9 May, 2012:

   00.  We enjoyed a presentation on the Nerves project,
        which uses the BeagleBone ARM board and the Erlang
        language for rapid prototyping and a framework glue.
        High performance in a small, low power and inexpensive
   01.  We amended and approved the proposed constitution
        for HARC.  This will be posted later, or available
        for view in hardcopy.
   02.  We amended and approved bylaws.  This will also either
        be posted, or available for view in hardcopy.
   03.  We amended and approved the application for ARRL
        affiliation, and added more names to the roster.
        Also to be posted later, or available for view
        in hardcopy.
   04.  We elected our first group of club officers:
        President:       Martin R.
        Vice President:  Lee C.
        Treasurer:       Nick B.
        Secretary:       Steve B.
   05.  Current member roster:
        Bill B.           Steve B.         Nick B.
        Lee C.            Chris K.         Bryce L.
        Ben M.            John P.          Martin R.
        Phil S.

Meeting - Wednesday, Oct 12 Topics: building club membership, work on application for ARRL affiliation Bill built a new Off Center Fed antenna for the Roof. Too wet on roof to install Got our sound card interface working. QSO'd over PSK-31 Built a choke balun to reduce RF in the shack. Got Nick's 10m unit fixed. Cut down CB antenna and tuned with Bill's miniVNA show and tell - Martin showed off DM780 super waterfall display of simultaneous contacts

First Meeting - HacDC Amateur Radio Group (W3HAC) Wednesday September 28, 2011 7:30 PM Agenda: starting an amateur radio club setting up a radio station/repeaters/digipeaters/antennas/lightning protection affiliating with ARRL, conducting FCC licensing classes Spaceblimp

HAM CLUB (provisionally "HARC") We met 19:30, Wed 28 Sept.

Founders: Bill B Nick B Phil S Steve Martin R


01. Increasing HacDC membership 02. Hardware building and using focus 03. Licensing new HAMs 04. Meeting regularly (2 Wednesdays per month (2nd and 4th))

Action Items:

01. Bill (WA1IVD) will contact ARRL to start a liason for the group.