
Regular Member Meeting 2010 10 12

From HacDC Wiki

Note: This page serves as the 2010-10-12 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

October 12, 2010 Meeting called to order at ___ by ___.

Members Present:

Others Present:

Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2010 09 14

Director Reports

President's Report

Treasurer's Report


Profit & Loss Detail September 2010

Ordinary Income/Expense Income Membership Dues

Total for Membership Dues $1,688.75

Non Profit Income 9/01/2010 Sales Receipt 1167 Paypal 96.80 96.80 09/26/2010 Sales Receipt 1200 Paypal 12.68 109.48

Total for Non Profit Income $109.48

Total for Income $1,798.23


Insurance 09/20/2010 Journal Entry 28 -SPLIT- 71.08 71.08 Total for Insurance $71.08

Office Expenses 09/02/2010 Journal Entry (Linode) 25 -SPLIT- 37.45 37.45 09/03/2010 Journal Entry (AMEX-CANCELLED) 26 -SPLIT- 7.95 45.40 09/16/2010 Journal Entry (PHONE VERIFY) 27 -SPLIT- 0.75 46.15 09/30/2010 Journal Entry (POS REFUND! [?]) 31 -SPLIT- -100.38 -54.23

Total for Office Expenses $ -54.23

Rent or Lease 09/22/2010 Journal Entry 30 -SPLIT- 1,980.00 1,980.00 Total for Rent or Lease $1,980.00

Total for Expenses $1,996.85 Net Ordinary Income $ -198.62

Other Income/Expense Other Income Interest Earned 09/01/2010 Journal Entry 32 -SPLIT- 0.20 0.20 Total for Interest Earned $0.20 Total for Other Income $0.20

Other Expense Miscellaneous 09/20/2010 Journal Entry 29 -SPLIT- 25.00 25.00 Total for Miscellaneous $25.00 Total for Other Expense $25.00

Net Other Income $ -24.80 Net Income $ -223.42


Balance Sheet As of September 30, 2010


Current Assets Bank Accounts

BBT Checking 5,156.56 Total Bank Accounts $5,156.56

Other Current Assets Paypal 1,239.84 Undeposited Funds 0.00 (actually 90.00 in cash, still not booked)

Total Other Current Assets $1,239.84 Total Current Assets $6,396.40 Other Assets Rent Security Deposits 850.00 Total Other Assets $850.00 TOTAL ASSETS $7,246.40 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Opening Balance Equity 9,023.84 Retained Earnings 0.00 Net Income -1,777.44 Total Equity $7,246.40 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY $7,246.40

Vice President's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports

William Gibb

  • Still working with the resilient community folks. They are pretty busy but want to get their article on us done by this months end.
  • Working with a friend in Boston who is running a open-source alternative to MIT's design for empowerment course. It is a course focused on building communities like HacDC. The DFE eXtended course is hosted @ & will have 1-2 articles on HacDC this fall featured there.
  • Thinking of doing a workshop/learningshop on spectroscopy based off the materials mark Adams sent out yesterday.

Katie Bechtold

  • Planning an LED Embroidery workshop and another tea night.
  • Literal door bell for HacDC?
  • Temporary tattoos - any interest evinced so far?
  • Willing to organize drafting of Standing Rules when that becomes sufficiently more important than becoming financially secure.

Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

New Members

Andrew H.


Adjourned at ___.