
Regular Member Meeting 2022 08 09

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Revision as of 00:02, 10 August 2022 by Ubuntourist (talk | contribs)

Time and Location

Date: Tue 09 Aug 2022
Called to order at 7:42 pm by Michelle
Members present: Michelle, Oby, Kevin, Gabe, Matt, Fernand
Members remote:
Others present: Carter
Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


  • Gabe, for bringing in the Security Summit donation of $500
  • Michelle, for coordinating / communicating with Security Summit folks to smooth over details

New Members

Old Business

  • Tayeb has dropped off a parking pass with Gabe
  • No new details from Michelle on mesh networking effort in Baltimore, but the ham radio people are still interested and Michelle hopes to attend tomorrow's ham radio meeting tomorrow
   + Oby was recently visiting Philadelphia Books's Mesh Jam.
  • DreamHost payments are now up-to-date.
  • At Michelle's prompting about setting up a Capture the Flag session, Gabe has said he'll be able to set one up for the fall (after August)
  • Oby is a bit busy at the moment to host the Machine Learning class, based on the Coursera Deep Learning class, but hopes to free up time after August.
  • Michelle believes she's fixed the problem with the PayPal logo on the main site

New Business

  • New lease: a 2.5% increase of $22.50 / month resulting in a new rent of $922.50 ($990.00 next month as "makeup payments")
   + Two-year lease
   + This is much better than pre-COVID rates, but is slowly creeping up
   + New equipment (laser cutter(s), etc.) will additional space. So, remove / move other items from the space, or... ??? (Matt)
   + The general consensus is leaning towards staying and rearranging rather than trying to move.
   + 5 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion to sign the new lease is **APPROVED**

Project Awesome Reports

Project SUPPLIES - ???

Project EXPANSION - ???

Project HAMRADIO - ???

Project Electron Microscope (SEM) - ???

Project Media Outreach - ???

Project IT Infrastructure - ???

Member Reports

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports




Adjourned by at ??? by ???