
Regular Member Meeting 2022 06 14

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

Date: Tue 14 June 2022
Called to order at pm by
Members present:
Members remote:
Others present:
Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


New Members

Old Business

  • Ulisses - starting federated biology-combo group of labs; mostly graduate students or working professionals; space is hosted by Rockville Science Center
  • New Orleans report-back -
    • Mesh Network - John would be open to partnering HAM Radio club on this project; Michelle reaching out to prof at Univ MD Baltimore County; Kevin says to reach out to Open Tech think tank in DC
  • PAR / Recycle Works (Philadelphia) back in the picture - owner of PAR has morphed organization into generic Windows computer training services; Michelle feels this does not
  • WordPress work needed - Dreamhost needs us to upgrade to 8.1
  • AI Machine Learning - Oby interested in restarting this; we started in 2020 on the first course and Oby ; should be a part of the newsletter to gauge interest

New Business

  1. "keep/trash?" survey - Email Google Forms to existing members with photos attached
  2. Basement water issues -
    1. coming in from outside
    2. not draining inside, possible super-clog that appears that there isn't even a drain
    3. water leaking from busted drain pipe along wall; top of wall there is opening with a tunnel (the tunnel is not part of our storage space, was offered to us at one point)

Project Awesome Reports

Project SUPPLIES - ???

Project EXPANSION - ???

Project HAMRADIO - ???

Project Electron Microscope (SEM) - ???

Project Media Outreach - ???

Project IT Infrastructure - ???

Member Reports

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports




Adjourned by at ??? by ???