
Regular Member Meeting 2021 12 14

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

Called to order at ??? pm by ???
Members present:
Members remote:
Others present:
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


New Members

Old Business

New Workspace Oversight Person - Rev. Rondesia Jarrett-Schell; wants to know who is using the roof and when/how they need to use it; no rent increase thus far; they are trying a leak in the basement and want us to de-clutter the basement so they can get that fixed. Par Cycleworks - Kevin spoke with Sanjai and Maurice; Kevin in process of setting up first session DIY microphone project (by Robert Phelps) - hybrid at-home/at-HACDC project; machining appears to involve only filing and drilling (although soldering with optional kitchen blow torch used to weld copper ring; might be able to find copper ring already joined/one piece so necessary grounding still takes place); $30 in parts to make $900-quality comparable model; gauge interest (video); carryover to next month Lathe machine (loaner) - Tristan to borrow ~1 month to prevent from going back and forth to space Annual Survey (by Michelle) - major insights: lots of people looking to connect/volunteer socially and professionally for HacDC; need to schedule board meeting for the insights into the survey alone Coinbase Hack - why oh why, Coinbase? was always "fun money", now is "gone money"

New Business

Project Awesome Reports

Project SUPPLIES - ???

Project EXPANSION - ???

Project HAMRADIO - ???

Project Electron Microscope (SEM) - ???

Project Media Outreach - ???

Project IT Infrastructure - ???

Member Reports

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports




Adjourned by at ??? by ???