
Regular Member Meeting 2019 09 10

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 23:50, 10 September 2019 by Karen (talk | contribs) (→‎New Members)

Time and Location

Called to order at 7:35 pm by Karen
Members present: Kevin, Tayeb, Ken, Bobby, Karen, Dan, James, Tom
Members remote: Hunter
Others present: Jeff, Luis
Quorum 5
Quorum met? Y

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes Tayeb, James, approved


New Members

Jeff Oby Luis Don

James, Tayeb, carried

Old Business

  • Rules of the road/code of conduct - will edit in Bobby's input for consideration for a vote at the next meeting
  • Karen and James need to go to the bank to sort out the signature cards
  • Visit to Nonstop Art - aiming for a group field trip but what dates?
  • Ultimaker still down, James waiting on parts
  • Fundraising ideas - Exiles on U Street event

New Business

Possible events:

  • Cybersecurity event (cryptoparty) (Shawn and Enrique)
  • Meetup for topics like Machine Learning using materials from Coursera (Tayeb)
  • Joint event HacDC and HacDC

Project Awesome Reports

Project SUPPLIES - Mirage

Project EXPANSION - Mirage

Project HAMRADIO - Jeff

Project Electron Microscope (SEM) - Julia

Project Optical Table Robot (OTR) - Julia

Project CRISPR -Enrique

- Report and updates

Project SpaceBlimp -Enrique

- Report and updates

Project Media Outreach - Matt

Project IT Infrastructure - Tom

Member Reports

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports




Adjourned by at xxx by xxx