
Regular Member Meeting 2016 01 12

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

January 12th, 2016
Called to order at xxxx pm by xxxx
Members present:
Members remote:
Others present:
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Would appreciate seeing HacDC willing to trust and back its volunteers after a success like the OpticalTableRobot. If additional safety or convenience features were wanted, encouring feature requests might have been nice to hear. Instead, the response included 'not cool' from some of the more sane, senior members of the community.

Honestly, the extent of such stupidity at HacDC has exceeded my worst imagination, crushing hopes for the future. If not now, when will HacDC ever take appropriate steps to limit damage that can be done by people who don't know and don't care? This is why we can't have nice things.

See everyone at the annual meeting. If good things happen then, maybe we can have a great year at HacDC.

Treasurer's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports



Project Awesome Reports




Member Reports

  • Enrique: I brought in a brand new ladder for the basement; it was about $94 and I'd like to be reimbursed either by Expansion or by member vote from the general fund.

Old Business

New Business

  • EdTechDMV, a non-profit that hosts educational tech events for DC teachers and developers in the education software market, wants to hold classes at HacDC during business hours later this year. This is a problem that's come up before: How to grant access to the classroom to other organizations when a member can't be around to open/lock up. For example, we could make someone from that organization (Bill or Matt Z) a member and waive their dues, but that wouldn't be a "hardship" waiver exactly, and they would count towards quorum and not really be an involved member of HacDC... so another arrangement would be good, preferably more official than just handing them a key. - Enrique

New Members


Adjourned by at xxx by xxx