
Regular Member Meeting 2015 09 08

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

September 08, 2015
Called to order at pm by
Members present:
Members remote:
Others present:
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2015 08 11


Evan W. for an offer of scanning electron microscope spare parts. Danish for helping Evan move a second Cambridge Stereoscan SEM.

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

All four Purple Martins fleged. Probably headed to South America by now, if not there already. Good luck!

Personally constructing Taz_Mega, combining features from both FlexReplicator and LulzBot Taz designs. Existing Taz machines can be upgraded with compatible custom metal plates. Progress documented at Aleph Objects' forum.

Alternative Office Space

Recommend we do not take the office space down the hall. We would be better off retaining one of the existing spaces, with access to plumbing.

Part-time subletting of the classroom space may also be possible.


Workroom furniture is not 100% efficient, and the middle area is not a great classroom space. Yet, the classroom seems just fine with 3' of desks along the long walls.

Suggest we build permanent tables, shelves, and tool enclosures along the classroom walls. Done right, this could vastly improve usability of the space for hardware work, while occupying little of the classroom space. CAD models should be available soon.

IT Admin

HacDC servers suffered some downtime, due to external power failure exceeding UPS capabilities. A couple servers did not restart properly, this is under investigation.

Modern desktops/laptop hardware is currently in short supply, owing to some failures over the years. RasPi's would also be helpful. Please let others know if you can spare some replacement hardware.

Treasurer's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports



Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER



No expenditures this month.

Planning to repair and upgrade HacDC equipment soon, likely including the following.

  • RasPi's (if not donated).
  • Parts to restore worthwhile basement computer equipment (ie. the motherboard pile).
  • Hard disks may be needed, either for NAS capacity upgrades, or RAID redundancy.
  • Perhaps a few dedicated desktop/laptops.


No expenditures this month.


Member Reports

Old Business

  • Pending: Proposal for a list of special tool custodians and list of authorized users (eg CNC, Laser Cutter, Lathe, etc).
  • Pending: CryptoParty 2015?

New Business

New Members


Adjourned by at