
Regular Member Meeting 2015 05 12

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

May 12, 2015
Called to order at XXX by XXX
Members present: XXX
Members remote: XXX
Others present: XXX
Quorum met? XXX. XXX.

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2015 04 14


  • HARC for cleaning up the classroom

Director Reports

President's Report

  • Stuff under tables in the classroom will be moved/removed/cleaned/cleared. If you have a project that needs to be in the classroom and doesn't have a home talk to me.
  • Several event leaders have asked for local storage in the space for event supplies. We are working on a policy to utilize the shelves in the lab on the far wall by the windows.

Vice President's Report

Need a suitably sized electronic door strike for the new RFID/occupancy system. Everything else is ready, including a WYSE terminal for configuration tasks, mounted to a steel rackmount case.

Have a working LulzBot Taz 3D printer, also configured as a 3W UV laser cutter. Expect this to make a big difference at HacDC, contributing replacement parts for equipment like the CO2 laser cutter.

Treasurer's Report

Secretary's Report

It's been a very busy month. At least I'm not around to read this.

Bins: We got bins from Radioshack, thanks to Travis for acquiring them and Don and myself for transporting and moving them up to the space. They are not empty; there are quite a few parts in the drawers. Now we urgently need to have a workshop reorganization day. There's lots of wood materiel and rarely used things on the high shelves that can be moved down to the basement to make room for the more often used stuff.

Basement: I finished emptying out the Trash pile. Anything still remaining in the Outgoing shelves tonight is going into the new Trash pile. I will do that in the next few days and re-open the Outgoing shelves. Julia wanted the Microwave - anybody else want anything from Outgoing before it's trash? Let me know. That radio tower is cumbersome; let's get it up on the roof as soon as they're done with the solar panels.

Next month our new storage policy is due to take effect. However, nobody has specifically requested any storage space. The point of delaying the implementation was to gradually begin assigning storage custodians but that's not happening so far. Who wants storage space? Please tell the BOD if and how much you need. Servers? Museum? Computer Parts? HARC? 3D Printers? I'll start: I would like 2x2x2' of space somewhere, if only to begin an inventory. We need an inventory format; spreadsheets are easy, databases are better... We also need to clear another similarly sized space for any new members that want storage space. I'll make the space if nobody else does.

SEM (if Hunter is not around to say it): We actually had a small SEM Workday and got the (expensive) microscope vacuum system to fully operate, if briefly. Some more work is needed to make it operate reliably and find out why it shuts down. Also the console is once again outputting something rational to the display (TV). If someone moved or took the ViewSonic Composite-In-VGA-Out converter box thing, please bring it back! Oh and there's a bunch of thumbtacks by the capacitor banks that should be carefully, safely removed.

Beginners Python Meet (if Ann is not around to say it): Ann M. hosted a Women Who Code Meetup, Beginners Python at the space last week, which brought about 10 people into the space (RSVP was full already). Ann (and others) want to teach recurring multi-week classes at HacDC, charge for enrollment and split the revenue between the instructor and HacDC. Sounds like a good idea to me.

Cypherpunks Meet: I am trying to host a Cypherpunks United meet (encryption, web of trust, keyring management, key signing party) at the space, likely Tuesday June 16 or Thursday June 18. Interest may already exceed our classroom space so I reserved the auditorium that Tuesday and will try to get the meet scheduled then (I don't run that meetup).

Administrative: I finally got the password to the "[email protected]" account and access to a reasonably up-to-date membership roster this last week. I hope Julia will get the necessary access to our financial accounts soon so we can update this roster. Like I said, it's been a busy week.

Policy: The idea of renting out the space to an outside organization came up. HacDC has done this before, specifically with Motley Fool a few years ago and netted close to $1,000 for it. We should have a discussion of what we want and don't want to do. Rent the space out to anyone? Non-Profits only? Organizations aligned with our mission only? Are we willing to reschedule our recurring events to accomodate these groups? How badly do we need the extra income?

Reminders to others: CFC application status, check from the Phillips Collection, National Maker Faire, I-COM Radio Status, FCC License

Director-at-Large Reports



Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER




No expenditures this month.


No expenditures this month.


Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

New Members


Adjourned by XXX at XXX.