
Regular Member Meeting 2014 01 14

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

January 14, 2014
Called to order at ______ by ______
Members present:
Others present:
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2013 11 12

Regular Member Meeting 2013 10 08

Regular Member Meeting 2013 09 10

Regular Member Meeting 2013 08 13


Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for December 2013: File:HacDC Financials 2013 12.pdf. One prospective member (not yet voted in) has started paying dues. Longtime member and generous contributor Tim Collins has resigned his membership. Several members haven't paid their dues for a couple of months, and since they've been unresponsive over e-mail it's unclear whether they intend to resign.

Project Awesome

Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for December: File:HacDC PA Projects-2013 12.pdf. I'm able to declare a $200 dividend and add $132.29 to our un-earmarked reserves. There were 16 votes, unchanged from the previous month.

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports

Shawn Nock


Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER




Healthy and stable at ~$1.4k.

Recent Purchases

  • Glass sheets for Prusa Mendel.


Only $145 after two months. At this rate, it will take another three months to buy a vertical bandsaw.

If you are holding one of the 3.783 votes for SUPPLIES, please consider voting for EXPANSION instead.


Member Reports

Old Business

From December agenda

  • Zach purchased materials for basement shelves, and should now be reimbursed up to $400 (exact receipt value is not known to mirage335).
  • Approving another $75 will allow wheels to be added to the shelves. That is not to say the wheels will be added just because their budget was approved.
  • Katie proposes we allocate $100 for our traditional holiday gift to the security guard. Update (Dec. 22): ITG has provided the $100 gift to the guard; this proposal includes reimbursing him.


$600 for shelves to mirage.

  • Quorum not met, could not vote.

Honorary Memberships

The Doctor

The Doctor is one of the founding members of Project Byzantium and one of the largest contributors to the project. He has made numerous other contributions including donating time and equipment to improve the space, and helping us to network with other individuals and organizations with shared interests.

Bradford Barr

Former President of HacDC. He is also headed off the SF. Brad has been a long-time supporter of HacDC's mission. He donated a lot of time to HacDC over the years including teaching a number of classes on a variety of topics from Python to lockpicking to yo-yos.

R. Mark Adams, PhD

Long time member and contributor to the space.

New Business

New Members


Adjourned at ________