
Regular Member Meeting 2010 05 11

From HacDC Wiki

Note: This page serves as the 2010-05-11 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

May 11, 2010 Meeting called to order at ___ by ___

Members Present:



Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Director Reports

President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Vice President's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports

Member Reports

Old Business

  • Approve immediate disbursement of funds collected for USRP via Pledgie (approx $400-500) to those who put in (do we have a list of all donors??)

New Business

  • Approve $105 empanada expense for annual meeting (to reimburse Daniel Packer)
  • Approve $68 stickers expense (to reimburse Katie)
  • Approve t-shirt budget to stock HacDC store with HacDC t-shirts (being organized by Andy Walker)
  • Elect replacement Keeper of the MIBS
