Regular Member Meeting 2010 05 11
From HacDC Wiki
Note: This page serves as the 2010-05-11 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).
Time and Location
May 11, 2010
Meeting called to order at 7:35pm by Daniel Packer
Members Present:
Brad B, Alan M, Katie B, Tim B, Alberto G, Elliot W, Arc R, Daniel P, Martin R, Dave E, Todd F, Ash G, Dan B
Darren L, Andy W, Todd K
Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes
2010 Annual Meeting minutes were approved with minor edits.
Director Reports
President's Report
Daniel reported that things are going well. Asbestos removal will take place this week. Electrical wiring done in the basement. Money in the bank, can use for space search if we don't get a sweetheart deal. Nicolas C (Secretary) is moving to NYC, we'll need to vote for his replacement.
Treasurer's Report
Todd Fine reported we had $1962.45 income. Expenses were $964*2 for rent, $100 for POS, $500 for insurance, $13 for vanity callsign (W3HAC), money for drinks. Total expenses around $2,700. We will refund USRP pledgie funds.
Vice President's Report
Timball brought beer per campaign pledge. Dealing with POS -- convinced bank people that we had an account -- in progress. Space in Gaithersburg (the hangar) will get looked into, will organize trip via e-mail list.
Director-at-Large Reports
- Katie: More stickers have arrived, will keep in drawer under the phone. Please give them out to folks. Hackerspace call-in was under-attended. Visited Makers Local 256 in Alabama.
- Will: Going to India with Engineers w/o Borders, will take notes on their IT infrastructure stuff, use them as a model for low-income IT.
Member Reports
- Brad: NARG is still fun. Talked about genetic algorithms last week.
- Andy W: Is working on HacDC t-shirts for us. There are designs, pre-orders have been taken. Will collect money, make silkscreens and then HacDC will own them.
- Martin: Spaceblimp is going well but could use more hands. Subscribe to
- Dan B: Basement. Now that we have electricity, we might want to have a lathe -- passed around a bowl made from an old tree to encourage us.
Old Business
- Talk to Todd to get your money back from the USRP pledgie.
New Business
- Approve $105 for annual meeting empanadas: passed unanimously
- Approve $68 for stickers: passed unanimously
New Members
- Darren L nominated. Electrical engineer, computer security. Donated a VX-1 handheld radio!
- Andy W nominated. Security engineer. Wants to build stuff. Making us t-shirts!
Election of Secretary
Dan Barlow ran unopposed and won.
Adjourned at 8:25.