
Regular Member Meeting 2022 10 11

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 23:52, 11 October 2022 by Ubuntourist (talk | contribs) (WIP)

Time and Location

Date: October 11, 2022
Called to order at 7:34 pm by Michelle
Members present: Matt, Kevin, Oby, Michelle, Gabe, Christopher
Members remote:
Others present:
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

  • Approved!


  • New member, Chris, for testing and moving servers from the basement

New Members

Old Business

  • 15 to 20 folks attended Gabe's Machine Learning session. Plenty of materials to continue with new episodes.
  • Michelle expects to have more time for Project Night
  • 3D modeling of the basement, with proposed future redesign is done
  • A Raspberry Pi (OctoPi) for one of the printers is available. (Look into BotFather too.)

New Business

  • New server! Thanks Chris!
  • Network runs pfSense firewall but we have no sense of it

Project Awesome Reports

Project SUPPLIES - ???

Project EXPANSION - ???

Project HAMRADIO - ???

Project Electron Microscope (SEM) - ???

Project Media Outreach - ???

Project IT Infrastructure - ???

Member Reports

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports




Adjourned by at ??? by ???