
Regular Member Meeting 2022 08 09

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Revision as of 00:31, 10 August 2022 by Ubuntourist (talk | contribs)

Time and Location

Date: Tue 09 Aug 2022
Called to order at 7:42 pm by Michelle
Members present: Michelle, Oby, Kevin, Gabe, Matt, Fernand
Members remote:
Others present: Carter
Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


  • Gabe, for bringing in the Security Summit donation of $500
  • Michelle, for coordinating / communicating with Security Summit folks to smooth over details

New Members

Old Business

  • Tayeb has dropped off a parking pass with Gabe
  • No new details from Michelle on mesh networking effort in Baltimore, but the ham radio people are still interested and Michelle hopes to attend tomorrow's ham radio meeting tomorrow
   + Oby was recently visiting Philadelphia Books's Mesh Jam.
  • DreamHost payments are now up-to-date.
  • At Michelle's prompting about setting up a Capture the Flag session, Gabe has said he'll be able to set one up for the fall (after August)
  • Oby is a bit busy at the moment to host the Machine Learning class, based on the Coursera Deep Learning class, but hopes to free up time after August.
  • Michelle believes she's fixed the problem with the PayPal logo on the main site

New Business

  • New lease: a 2.5% increase of $22.50 / month resulting in a new rent of $922.50 ($990.00 next month as "makeup payments")
   + Two-year lease
   + This is much better than pre-COVID rates, but is slowly creeping up
   + New equipment (laser cutter(s), etc.) will additional space. So, remove / move other items from the space, or... ??? (Matt)
   + The general consensus is leaning towards staying and rearranging rather than trying to move.
   + 5 in favor, 0 opposed. Motion to sign the new lease is APPROVED
  • Basement: Oby is inquiring about the state of the basement and the equipment
   + The "Obstacle Table" continues to be an obstacle.
   + Michelle wants to recover the space occupied by the table
   + Kevin says that getting the optical table up and running again would require a massive amount of talent that he does not believe we have on hand
   + Gabe wants to make a 3D model of the basement, taking into account the unusual angles and outcroppings

Project Awesome Reports

Project SUPPLIES - ???

Project EXPANSION - ???

Project HAMRADIO - ???

Project Electron Microscope (SEM) - ???

Project Media Outreach - ???

Project IT Infrastructure - ???

Member Reports

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

  • The summary is a bit different this month due to new expenses (see last month): a variety of filaments (diameters, colors), silica gel drying material, airtight containers for filament storage, etc. Plus rent.
  • Old PLA filament in the space is in terrible condition. Brittle. Unusable. 15 rolls. No knowledge of the state of NijaFlex. How do we recycle it? Matt will look into local spaces that might handle re-extruding, turning old filament into new.
  • Summaries are archived on the treasurer's Google Drive space.

Secretary's Report

  • Getting into the space to work on OctoPrint etc, hasn't happened yet.
   + Matt is suggesting several Raspberry Pis attached to each printer to do OctoPi. But they're currently hard to find / expensive.
   + Kevin suggests the Pi Locator as a possible way to mitigate cost.

Director-at-Large Reports




Adjourned by at ??? by ???