
Annual Meeting 2021

From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 01:46, 10 March 2021 by Tark (talk | contribs) (edit 2)


From the HacDC Bylaws, Article III, Section 2:

At the annual meeting, the voting members shall elect the Board of Directors, review and vote on the standing rules and policies of the corporation, receive reports on the activities of the corporation, approve the budget and determine the direction of corporation in the coming year.

Time and Location

   Date: Tuesday, March 9
   Location: HacDC

Meeting called to order at

   Time: 7:43pm
   By: Karen


  • Members Present:
    • Karen
    • Kevin
    • Ken
    • Tayeb
    • John
    • Michelle
    • Gabe
    • Matt
    • Obi
  • Others Present:
    • Jared

Quorum met?


Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes



  • Don -- repairing the antennas on the roof
  • HacDC Robot Group -- ready to start classes this week

Director Reports

President's Report

Fundraising Activities - scheduled and proposed

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

10 days into March and we are net +$677 dollars for this month. There have been additional payments from paypal and additional deposits made directly to the bank of $330, $336, and $1200. We currently have $785 dollars in the BB&T account and we are about to deposit an additional $1400.

We are doing significantly better this month than before with several one-time payments accounting for the difference

Secretary's Report

  • Member cleanup will be happening this coming Saturday with Don Jones. And we have a new spring cleaning part II scheduled for March 21st

Director-at-Large Reports



Project Awesome Reports


Project SEM



Audit Committee Report

Nobody bothered to form a committee so there's no report. All financial statements including receipts for all purchases are at the space, in the BOD locker, treasurer's folder.

Member Reports

Old Business

  • John: Perhaps codify the idea that the Vice President should be the person likely to become the President in the Bylaws? Look into the

Bylaws Amendments

New Business

  • Board to meet the following Tuesday to address plan for Mike Ritonia. Tayeb to prepare shared document for Board consideration shared with Board members prior

Board of Directors Elections

Slate of Candidates -- Tayeb: President, John: Vice-President, Michelle: Secretary, Matt: Treasurer, Brian: At-Large, Gabe Altay: At-Large Results of the elections are as follows:

   President: Tayeb stood for election unopposed.
   Vice President:  John stood for election unopposed.
   Treasurer: Matt stood for election unopposed
   Secretary: Michelle stood for election unopposed.
   At large seats: Brian and Gabe stand for at large seats unopposed.

Karen moved, Kevin seconded a motion to elect the slate of board candidates in a single vote. Motion to elect the slate passed.

New Members

We have a new member! Jared


Adjourned at

   Time: Change me