
Annual Meeting 2019

From HacDC Wiki


From the HacDC Bylaws, Article III, Section 2:

At the annual meeting, the voting members shall elect the Board of Directors, review and vote on the standing rules and policies of the corporation, receive reports on the activities of the corporation, approve the budget and determine the direction of corporation in the coming year.

Time and Location

   Date: Tuesday, March 12
   Location: HacDC

Meeting called to order at

   Time: 7:00pm
   By: Karen


  • Members Present:
    • Add me
    • Add me
  • Others Present:
    • Add me

Quorum met?


Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


Director Reports

President's Report

Fundraising Activities - scheduled and proposed

  • HacDC is going to have an event at Dupont Underground Tuesday, April 23 - proposal is for demos, public domain films, and musical entertainment. HacDC will approach Words/Beats/Life to see if they would be interested in collaborating
  • Board met with the owner of Exiles on U Street about the possibilities for fundraising - they are pretty flexible so there are many options to discuss
  • Sign in sheet - we need to show our service to the community with something more tangible - there is a sign in sheet - all members and visitors should sign in.

Testimony at the DC Council DMPED oversight hearing

  • Karen Shunk testified
  • Was able to meet contacts at DMPED, Focus on the Story, and District Makers Collective

Next Movie night:

  • Friday, March 16
  • Gravity (2013) directed by Alfonso Cuaron, starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports



Project Awesome Reports


Project SEM



Audit Committee Report

Nobody bothered to form a committee so there's no report. All financial statements including receipts for all purchases are at the space, in the BOD locker, treasurer's folder. The Dwolla statements include member names, the rest don't. -Enrique

Member Reports

Old Business

Rules of the Road - Code of Conduct Review

More space cleanup

  • Need to finish cleaning out back section of basemen
  • Mike Ritonia has agreed to install new lock on basement door
  • We can use the dumpsters out front (within reason)
  • Ideas for basement - besides storage, could we organize a workshop? Maybe metal or woodworking?

Proposal for an intermediate membership type:

  • We have a discounted "starving hacker/student" and a keyed, full membership; unlike other spaces, we do not have an intermediate membership
  • Typically, the intermediate membership level gives members limited storage, access to 'members wifi' (we would have to set that up) and a few other perks (could work unsupervised in the basement, for example)
  • Do we see value in this dues level, and what are the membership services that come with it?

Bylaws Amendments

New Business

Board of Directors Elections

Results of the elections are as follows:

   President: ??? stood for election unopposed.
   Vice President:  ??? and ??? stand for VP.
   ??? won with ??? votes to ???
    Treasurer: ??? stood for election unopposed.
    Secretary: ??? stood for election unopposed.
   At large seats: ???, ???, and ??? stand for at large seats.
   ??? and ??? won the ranked choice vote.

New Members


Adjourned at

   Time: Change me