From HacDC Wiki
This is the project page for webcams in HacDC.
Current Proposals
- Option 1
Linux platform + usb a/v + room projector (1024x768) + polycom soundstation. Chrome + Google Hangouts + Google Voice + Youtube + VNC + Webcamstudio for a/v (PIP, desktop as video source, etc). -- either two linux machines for two instances of Presenter@hacdc in Hangouts, or one and another Linux VM (for the projector) but both using Webcamstudio and VNC.
- Option 2
Linux platform + usb a/v + room projector (1024x768) + polycom soundstation. Jitsi WebRTC Videobridge ( service) + Chrome + Ustream + VNC + Webcamstudio for a/v (PIP, desktop as video source, etc). -- either two linux machines for two instances of Presenter@hacdc in Jitsi, or one and another Linux VM (for the projector) but both using Webcamstudio and VNC.
Tested Platforms
Google Hangouts
- Crossplatform
- Public Youtube stream (20 sec delay)
- Dial-in number?
- CPU intensive
- Crossplatform (Chrome)
- BW intensive (peered connections, no mixing)
- Crossplatform (Chrome)
- Less CPU intensive
- No chat or screenshare
- BW intensive (peered connections, no mixing)
All platforms tested with dual core 1.8ghz and 2-3 users, on HacDC clear wireless and Verizon 4g LTE
Posting Links
people who host the hangout for events should post the link to the hangout as many places as they see fit just so long as it isn't a public hangout (as in don't share to +Public) on g+ the random trolls will have sufficient delay finding the link so it shouldn't be an issue. for the member meetings i would suggest we consistently post a link in 3 places (we can potentially automate this):
- the meeting minutes
- irc
- the members list
if we have an on the air view only stream we should also post that link to blabber as our meetings are intended to be public.