
Regular Member Meeting 2020 07 14: Difference between revisions

From HacDC Wiki

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* How does our mission intersect with Saint Stephens? Ideas:
* How does our mission intersect with Saint Stephens? Ideas:
Distance learning help for kids -- solicit computer donations to give to kids who don't have access
** Distance learning help for kids -- solicit computer donations to give to kids who don't have access
Improving computer literacy course
** Improving computer literacy course
Participating in distance learning tutoring if that is possible
** Participating in distance learning tutoring if that is possible

Revision as of 00:25, 15 July 2020

Time and Location

Date: July 14th, 2020
Called to order at 7:54 pm by Karen
Members present: Eight members present: Karen, Tayeb, Kevin, Obi, Luis, Matt, Ken
Members remote: None
Others present:
Quorum met? Yes

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes



New Members

No new members

Old Business

  • Matt: PPE manufacturing with 3D printers still useful, dropping them off at local community clinics (big hospitals are doing mostly alright now).

New Business

  • Potential partners with Mount Pleasant Library
  • We are looking for opportunities to be more in line with the mission of the church, and find ways to help them. Tayeb proposes an idea of having a TechSupport day offered by HacDC for either the public or church tenants. And volunteers himself for the job
  • We have not heard anything new from the District Makers, and are not sure if they are still active in any way. There is potential for setting up a shop in the basement in collaboration with them (maybe give them control).
  • Ethan Waldo has agreed to take the SEM and will work out with Don how to pick it up
  • How does our mission intersect with Saint Stephens? Ideas:
    • Distance learning help for kids -- solicit computer donations to give to kids who don't have access
    • Improving computer literacy course
    • Participating in distance learning tutoring if that is possible

Project Awesome Reports

Project HAMRADIO - Jeff

Project Electron Microscope (SEM)

Member Reports

Director Reports (Governance related stuff)

President's Report

We have a written agreement with the church to pay a reduced rent due to our inability to access the space. We are expected to pay $732 per month for use of the space until meetings of 10 attendees may be held again at the space. If meetings greater than 10 attendees are allowed prior to December 31st 2020, the monthly payment will return to 2017 levels ($1043/month).

No later than December 1st 2020, HacDC and the church will discuss HacDC's new mission, structure, financial model, and plan for increasing membership.

The rent reduction is not to be considered permanent, it is only temporary until the space reopens. However, the level it returns to will be reduced from $1646.

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Financial Report: Current Balance -- $3832.78 We currently have 18 paying members, $950 from dues and an additional $150 from donations. We have not yet paid July rent, we are waiting for the church's response and will likely be paying a reduced rent soon.

Taxes: We already filed with the IRS, DC no longer requires a 990N form to be filed. Karen and Matt will figure out how to to give Matt Power of Attorney on behalf of HacDC and make sure that we don't need to do anything additional for filing.

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports


Adjourned by at xxx by xxx