
Fundraising Strategy: Difference between revisions

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== Alberto's Notes ==
== Alberto's Notes ==

== Ben's Notes ==
**Stakeholder Stacks**
(dumped from whiteboard stickies)

== Christine's Notes ==
=== Outside ===

== Don's Notes ==
==== Seeking Educational Experiences ====
* Students
* Amateur Engineers
* Schools
* Teachers
* People who run summer camps or aftercare
* STEAM educators
* Social justice tech teachers (hear me code, etc)
* Girl groups (girls scouts, girls who code)
* Board Game enthusiasts
* Other hacker/maker spaces
* Electronic Music aficionados
==== Arts ====
* Artist groups
* Solo artists
* Artists w/tech crossover interests [media artists]
* Crafting community
==== Community ====
* Mayor's office / City Hall
* Neighborhood groups
* Civic neighborhood
* Columbia Heights
* Non-hacking community groups
* Society in need of non-specialized DIY knowledge
* Activists
* Local Government / economic development
* DC Gov
==== People we use or need ====
* Brian B.
* St Stephen's
* Tech suppliers
* Vendors
==== Affect us but don't seek us ====
* Family
* Friends
* Significant others
==== People who give money ====
* Donors
* External donors
* Internal donors
* STEAM funders / supporters
* Philanthropists interested in STEAM
* "Friends of HacDC"
* Funders of education
* Those with money
==== People who seek HacDC ====
* Guests
* Visitors
* New (first-time) guests
* Alumni
* Strange attractors (lots of stuff happening around them)
==== Know shit ====
* Class / Event organizers
* SME non-members
* Outside / Invited speakers and presenters
* Outside event staffers
=== Inside ===
* Know shit
* The "fellowship" people (they like us)
* VR people
* SME members
* Technical experts
* (Local) Inventors / Innovators
* Hardware hackers
* Networkers (those who connect us to the outside)
* Any cross-disciplinary wanderers
* Software developers
* Software hackers
* Ham Radio / RF hobbyists
* Tech newbies
* Members
* Active members
* Absentee members
* Non-SME
* Invested members
* Dues-paying members
* Bad apples
* Breakers
* Disinterested members
==== Do shit ====
* Re* * * te] volunteers
* Cleaners / maintainers
* Those with time
* Action takers
* Network admins
* Helpers of the church
* Machine maintainers
* Inside speakers
* Regular event leaders
* Microcontroller hackers
* Space blimp
* 3D fabrication enthusiasts
* 3D printer people
* Hams
==== Organization core ====
* Officers
* Board of Directors

== Phil's Notes ==
== Phil's Notes ==
'''Imagined Stakeholder Persona'''
Role:  [STEAM] Funder / Donor
Name:  [Thurston Howell III]
Age: 50
Occupation: Corporate Philanthropy Director [Do they exist?]
Type:  Would-have-been screenwriter or sculptor.
Driven highly-capable professional
Potential Ivy League or similar background [specified in discussion: Stanford]
Inured to corporate ecosystem.
[Major?  Career path?  Not specified in my write-up, underspecified in discussion; one could (stretching it) imagine a quantitative analyst who began as a physicist and moved to Wall Street e.g. but that is a relatively narrow path that doesn’t seem consistent with the interests specified in “type” above.  THIS PART OF THE PORTRAIT NEEDS WORK.]
Make corporation look / do good.
Build a portfolio of high-prestige / high-interest-value (press-ready) projects funded
Wants to see results in real world.
Make corporation look / do good
Help others excel in careers he had no time for
Must justify decisions to higher-up boards [, public-relations professionals, etc.]
Must satisfy high-prestige / high-status parties he consults with / in his social network
Trusted contacts not omniscient: HacDC’s visibility
buffered / mediated by established authorities & patterns of thought, patterns of media coverage
- is a hackerspace a shady / disreputable / potentially criminal organization in the way “hackers” are portrayed in the press?
- is a hackerspace established in some way culturally, popularly felt to be a meritorious site of activity?
- [Abstracting from some discussion: is a hackerspace just a club for geeks?  Do they deliver a product in the form of invention? Do they educate?  Are they helping kids to learn?  A hackerspace is educational?  So do they fill an educational niche not better or sufficiently filled by traditional or charter schools & school activities?]
- [Thinking further: is a hackerspace a site of creative use of technology, as in supporting arts?  I’m thinking of Nam June Paik and Ai Weiwei and artists like that; would a hackerspace enable such a person to develop or to develop and bring out their works?  No way.  Tell me more . . . ]
Trusted Sources:
Professional nonprofit BOD / Executive directors
Art & literary critics
Leaders in academia
[Added after: Contacts he cultivates in the press to see what is hot & new / in effect, proxy “coolhunters” enabling to see out towards technical and cultural horizon]
Publications / Press:
[The unifying principle of these notional selections is a very broad net cast in the open media, professional and gray literature, etc. scoured as time allows for leads on emerging fields for the creative use or teaching of technology; our idealized / imagined philanthropy director samples these media partly to escape boredom and repetition with habitual paths of cultural investment, but relies on them also to fact-check and assess the success potential, prestige potential, and a fuzzy idea called “merit” for his corporation’s funded projects.]
New York Times
Wall Street Journal
Bloomberg Business Week
Journals (Broad coverage):
IEEE Spectrum
Scientific American
Inside Higher Education
Chronicle of Higher Education
Los Angeles Review of Books
New York Review of Books
American Craft
Arts Journal (& Website:
Leonardo (& Website:
ARTnews (& Website:
Raw Vision (& Website:
BT Technology Journal
Atlantic (with reservations)
Journals (specific):
The Behavioral and Brain Sciences
[various] IEEE topic-specific journals
[journals in a field he is well-versed or previously professionally specialized in—biomed engineering? Physics? Economics?]
Broadcast media (radio):
Science Friday
TED talks [same for WWW --& broadcast?]
Broadcast media (television):
[a spread of news networks such as Fox, CNN, & MSNBC taken with healthy “grain of salt” – these media less trusted than sampled for trends]
Boing Boing
[broad spread of topical sites / blogs / subscription databases]
Outsider Art Pathfinder

== Travis's Notes ==
== Travis's Notes ==

Latest revision as of 22:21, 18 March 2015

Alberto's Notes

    • Stakeholder Stacks**

(dumped from whiteboard stickies)


Seeking Educational Experiences

  • Students
  • Amateur Engineers
  • Schools
  • Teachers
  • People who run summer camps or aftercare
  • STEAM educators
  • Social justice tech teachers (hear me code, etc)
  • Girl groups (girls scouts, girls who code)
  • Board Game enthusiasts
  • Other hacker/maker spaces
  • Electronic Music aficionados


  • Artist groups
  • Solo artists
  • Artists w/tech crossover interests [media artists]
  • Crafting community


  • Mayor's office / City Hall
  • Neighborhood groups
  • Civic neighborhood
  • Columbia Heights
  • Non-hacking community groups
  • Society in need of non-specialized DIY knowledge
  • Activists
  • Local Government / economic development
  • DC Gov

People we use or need

  • Brian B.
  • St Stephen's
  • Tech suppliers
  • Vendors

Affect us but don't seek us

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Significant others

People who give money

  • Donors
  • External donors
  • Internal donors
  • STEAM funders / supporters
  • Philanthropists interested in STEAM
  • "Friends of HacDC"
  • Funders of education
  • Those with money

People who seek HacDC

  • Guests
  • Visitors
  • New (first-time) guests

  • Alumni
  • Strange attractors (lots of stuff happening around them)

Know shit

  • Class / Event organizers
  • SME non-members
  • Outside / Invited speakers and presenters
  • Outside event staffers


  • Know shit
  • The "fellowship" people (they like us)
  • VR people
  • SME members
  • Technical experts
  • (Local) Inventors / Innovators
  • Hardware hackers
  • Networkers (those who connect us to the outside)
  • Any cross-disciplinary wanderers
  • Software developers
  • Software hackers
  • Ham Radio / RF hobbyists
  • Tech newbies
  • Members
  • Active members
  • Absentee members
  • Non-SME
  • Invested members
  • Dues-paying members
  • Bad apples
  • Breakers
  • Disinterested members

Do shit

  • Re* * * te] volunteers
  • Cleaners / maintainers
  • Those with time
  • Action takers
  • Network admins
  • Helpers of the church
  • Machine maintainers
  • Inside speakers
  • Regular event leaders
  • Microcontroller hackers
  • Space blimp
  • 3D fabrication enthusiasts
  • 3D printer people
  • Hams

Organization core

  • Officers
  • Board of Directors

Phil's Notes

Imagined Stakeholder Persona

Role: [STEAM] Funder / Donor

Name: [Thurston Howell III] Age: 50 Occupation: Corporate Philanthropy Director [Do they exist?] Type: Would-have-been screenwriter or sculptor.

Characteristics: Driven highly-capable professional Potential Ivy League or similar background [specified in discussion: Stanford] Inured to corporate ecosystem. [Major? Career path? Not specified in my write-up, underspecified in discussion; one could (stretching it) imagine a quantitative analyst who began as a physicist and moved to Wall Street e.g. but that is a relatively narrow path that doesn’t seem consistent with the interests specified in “type” above. THIS PART OF THE PORTRAIT NEEDS WORK.]

Goals: Make corporation look / do good. Build a portfolio of high-prestige / high-interest-value (press-ready) projects funded Wants to see results in real world.

Motivations: Make corporation look / do good Help others excel in careers he had no time for

Barriers: Must justify decisions to higher-up boards [, public-relations professionals, etc.] Must satisfy high-prestige / high-status parties he consults with / in his social network Trusted contacts not omniscient: HacDC’s visibility buffered / mediated by established authorities & patterns of thought, patterns of media coverage [Discussion: - is a hackerspace a shady / disreputable / potentially criminal organization in the way “hackers” are portrayed in the press? - is a hackerspace established in some way culturally, popularly felt to be a meritorious site of activity? - [Abstracting from some discussion: is a hackerspace just a club for geeks? Do they deliver a product in the form of invention? Do they educate? Are they helping kids to learn? A hackerspace is educational? So do they fill an educational niche not better or sufficiently filled by traditional or charter schools & school activities?] - [Thinking further: is a hackerspace a site of creative use of technology, as in supporting arts? I’m thinking of Nam June Paik and Ai Weiwei and artists like that; would a hackerspace enable such a person to develop or to develop and bring out their works? No way. Tell me more . . . ]

Trusted Sources: Professional nonprofit BOD / Executive directors Art & literary critics Leaders in academia [Added after: Contacts he cultivates in the press to see what is hot & new / in effect, proxy “coolhunters” enabling to see out towards technical and cultural horizon] Publications / Press: [The unifying principle of these notional selections is a very broad net cast in the open media, professional and gray literature, etc. scoured as time allows for leads on emerging fields for the creative use or teaching of technology; our idealized / imagined philanthropy director samples these media partly to escape boredom and repetition with habitual paths of cultural investment, but relies on them also to fact-check and assess the success potential, prestige potential, and a fuzzy idea called “merit” for his corporation’s funded projects.] Newspapers: New York Times Wall Street Journal Bloomberg Business Week Journals (Broad coverage): IEEE Spectrum Scientific American Nature Science Daedalus Inside Higher Education Chronicle of Higher Education Los Angeles Review of Books New York Review of Books Smithsonian American Craft Arts Journal (& Website: Leonardo (& Website: ARTnews (& Website: Raw Vision (& Website: BT Technology Journal Atlantic (with reservations) Slate

Journals (specific): The Behavioral and Brain Sciences [various] IEEE topic-specific journals [journals in a field he is well-versed or previously professionally specialized in—biomed engineering? Physics? Economics?] Make

Broadcast media (radio): NPR Science Friday RadioLab etc. TED talks [same for WWW --& broadcast?] Broadcast media (television): PBS? [a spread of news networks such as Fox, CNN, & MSNBC taken with healthy “grain of salt” – these media less trusted than sampled for trends] WWW: Boing Boing Brainpicker [broad spread of topical sites / blogs / subscription databases] Outsider Art Pathfinder

Travis's Notes