
Regular Member Meeting 2013 10 08: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Secretary's Report: nothing to report, this comment is longer than my report, ha!)
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=== Secretary's Report ===
=== Secretary's Report ===

=== Director-at-Large Reports ===
=== Director-at-Large Reports ===

Revision as of 23:10, 8 October 2013

Time and Location

October 8, 2013
Called to order at ______ by ______.
Members present:
Others present:

Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2013 09 10

Regular Member Meeting 2013 08 13


Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Here is the financial summary spreadsheet for September 2013: File:HacDC Financials 2013 09.pdf. We gained two new members in September: Alex, who was voted in at September's meeting, and Brendan, who was voted in in August.

Project Awesome

Here is the Project Awesome spreadsheet for September: File:HacDC PA Projects-2013 09.pdf. I'm declaring a $500 Project Awesome dividend, with the remaining $129.54 of the month's surplus going to our reserves. There are currently 17 Project Awesome votes.

Secretary's Report


Director-at-Large Reports

Shawn Nock


Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER




Financial Outlook

Healthy to say the least. At nearly $1k and rising, budget is sufficient to cover most major equipment failures at HacDC. After SUPPLIES budget hits $1k, further allocation to it should probably be reduced to a trickle.

Future Plans

  • Spare hot-end for Prusa Mendel.
  • Better glass bed for Prusa Mendel with predrilled holes.
  • Large plastic buckets.
  • Possibly new PCB fab supplies, like CNC milling bits.
  • Possible expansion of parts store, after some clean up at HacDC.


Member Reports


Despite having been away from HacDC for a bit, I've been rather busy on things relevant to it. Pardon the long winded report...

Occupancy Sensor

Easily returned to fully operational status, an even more reliable solution is imminent.



Going well. Obtained permission to discuss some of the details of these arrangements. Although nothing has been signed yet, it seems reasonable to keep their concerns in mind.


We have negotiated fair, acceptable, and open-source friendly terms.

  • Wide latitude to use, distribute, relicense, etc, our own technologies with a few very specific provisions. Basically, we agree not to commercialize a directly competing product as defined by a narrow FDA category, and not to publicly mention Imagnus's connection to the technologies.

Basically, we retain rights to key technologies for our projects.

  • Non-transferable. Automatic expiration on conditions that may amount to corporate takeover. Put another way:

There are literally several levels of SCO being wrong. And even if we were to live in that alternate universe where SCO would be right, they'd still be wrong. -Torvalds

This shall not happen to us.

  • NDA expires in two years.

Important lessons have been learned negotiating the NDA that probably should be applied to similar arrangements in the future.

Expected Benefits

A few hundred dollars, probably soon. Royalty payments, probably much more significant.


The project is complex, and we are making excellent progress.

Biosignal Amplifier

Revised design for 24-bit USB ADC board. This will soon be merged with the host board, tidying up the biosignal amplifier, and giving it a USB port.

Additionally, the standalone ADC will likely make it to the test cart, providing extremely high resolution signal capture and processing capabilities.

See github for the standalone USB ADC.

USB DAQ.pcb.png


We still need three giant Fresnel lenses from rear projection TVs. A HacDC member recently obtained two of these from Craigslist. We need three more. Project is stalled until we get these lenses.


Just a reminder, the design is published, with CAD models, as OpenDisplay.



Advanced multi-tool desktop factory based on OpenRail.

Intended to simultaneously operate multiple milling, laser, extrusion (FDM 3D Printing), and inkjet (powder 3D printing, 2D coloring) tools. Simulations indicate deflection should be 8mm/metricTon of lateral force.

Nearly complete design, just needs actuators (ie. threaded rod, timing belts).



We might want to fund new purchases (eg. metal working tools) or projects (eg. better laser cutter) to expand HacDC capabilites. Plan to propose a project awesome EXPANSION fund for this purpose.

Would like to see this operate democratically, with proposed purchases/projects and votes on the project's wiki page.

myDAQ and myDSP

AFAIK, Ahmed Aden obtained a myDAQ and myDSP for us almost a year ago. These devices can add core testing and signal processing capability to our test cart.

Eric Miller has been holding them since. Reportedly, he has not been using them, but is unwilling to make a "special trip" to deliver them back to us. It is also possible that he has lost track of, or otherwise did not verify, the software requirements.

Unless they were in fact purchased with Eric Miller's own money for his own use (and he has repeatedly not answered this question), it seems time for them to return to HacDC.

PCB Fab Efforts

Have been trying to fabricate professional quality circuit boards, with 6mils or less isolation widths, and no excess copper. So far, almost acceptable results have been achieved using the laser cutter with fingernail polish resist and chemical etchant. More still to be done.

ToDo Tracker

An experimental project/task management application using web2project has been created for HacDC members and guests. Please see HacDC Projects, and add anything that might benefit HacDC.

HacDC Shelves

Recommend we allocate $600 for two of these shelving units, one in each room. Also recommend someone besides myself build them (eg. haxwithaxe), which shouldn't take more than a day.

Designed for HacDC Basement. Intended for placement a few feet away from wall in both rooms, accessible from both sides, providing a sort of warehouse. 8' high, 16' long, 4' deep, 16" elevations, density-optimized reinforcement. $264.99 for 384 sq.ft. at $1.44/sq.ft.

For comparison, I estimated the shelves on the back wall of the workroom to offer only about 50 sq. ft.

There will still be plenty of room in the basement for the optical table and power tools. In fact, this will definitely increase the available space both upstairs and in the basement as items are taken off the floor.

Please see github for CAD model, BOM, and simulation results.

BasementShelves-Render.png BasementShelves-Results-Stress.png

Old Business

New Business

New Members


Adjourned at _______.