
Regular Member Meeting 2010 11 09: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 01:24, 10 November 2010

Note: This page serves as the 2010-11-09 Member Meeting's agenda (before the meeting) and minutes (after the meeting).

Time and Location

November 9, 2010 Meeting called to order at ___ by ___.

Members Present:

Others Present:

Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2010 10 12

Director Reports

President's Report


Treasurer's Report


Vice President's Report

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports


Katie (absent due to work, sorry)

Come to T2: Return of Tea Night on Sunday at 7 p.m.

Go HacDC Spaceblimp 3! (Launch planned for Saturday the 13th.)

Member Reports

Ben Stanfield

  • CiviCRM now enabled, and available for events, fundraising, etc. If you're interested in using it, contact Ben
  • Make Magazine subscriptions now online. More about this in New Business.
  • Brochures
  • Gentle Hacker's Literary Salon needs a book for November

Arc Riley

  • Event report for Rally/Fear
  • Geeks Night Out

Old Business

New Business

Make: Magazine Gift Subscriptions

Motion: To develop a HacDC 3D-printable trinket or gift and a holiday card to give to people who would like to buy Make: Magazine subscriptions through our Make:Money program.

Seconded by:

Background: At least one member has already expressed an interest in buying gift subscriptions. Subscriptions won't begin until after the holidays, so creating a trinket and card would allow the giver to have something to present to the person they bought the magazine for. Subscriptions cost $34.95. HacDC keeps half of that amount for each subscription.


FIRST Robotics Team Mentorship

Motion: To approve an organization-wide mentorship of a local FIRST robotics team.

Seconded by:

Background: FIRST Robotics representatives have asked HacDC to sponsor (non-monetarily), a local DC team. HacDC would "adopt" a team, and individual members would meet with the team at their high school, the HacDC space, or other locations, to help them prepare for the FIRST Robotics competition. HacDC members with varying expertise would be needed.

Motion to restrict communication with landlords

Motion: To authorize the HacDC board of directors to carry out ALL business and communication with the landlord AND all personnel employed by the landlord. And, to restrict all other members from ANY discussions involving HacDC, HacDC business, or other HacDC members with the landlord.


Background: Recently, member(s) of HacDC who believe it is their role to speak on HacDC's behalf with our landlords have been communicating information about HacDC that paint it in a negative light, without any logical reason for doing so. There have also been discussions with church personnel which include private details about members of HacDC. These conversations, whether carried out in good conscience, harm HacDC's relationship with our landlord and also harm the reputation of individual HacDC members who's reputations have been besmirched.

New Members

Sunsh1ne (Beckie) - Formerly of Twin Cities maker now in the DC area. Has been paying dues, but unfortunately could not make it to the meeting tonight. Talk to Alberto, timball, or (possibly) Elliot for more information.

DavidMcInnis chocolate sm.jpg
David McInnis is requesting to become a full member.
I've attended various meetings since June including Lightning Talks and RedBeard's election. I started the paypal dues subscription today but cannot attend the meeting. Would it be possible to consider my request in absentia?




Adjourned at ___.