
Regular Member Meeting 2017 02 14: Difference between revisions

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=== Treasurer's Report ===
=== Treasurer's Report ===
* Our income for January came 100% from membership dues. It was $1,330 from 30 members - 21 regular, 7 grandfathered in at $50/mo who never come around, 1 student member and 1 dues-waived member. Besides the usual rent, insurance and PayPal fees, we had two extra expenses in January: our vacuum gauge order finally went through ($611 from Project SEM) and a reimbursement to Mirage for 3D printer parts ($308 from Project Supplies). Rent rises from 993 to 1043 in February.
* Our income for January came 100% from membership dues. It was $1,330 from 30 members - 21 regular, 7 grandfathered in at $50/mo who never come around, 1 student member and 1 dues-waived member. Besides the usual rent, insurance and PayPal fees, we had two extra expenses in January: our vacuum gauge order finally went through ($611 from Project SEM) and a reimbursement to Mirage for 3D printer parts ($308 from Project Supplies). Rent rises from 993 to 1043 in February. Balances add up to $12,442.

=== Secretary's Report ===
=== Secretary's Report ===

Revision as of 04:52, 14 February 2017

Time and Location

Date: February 14, 2017
Called to order at xxxx pm by xxxx
Members present:
Members remote:
Others present:
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


  • We had an annual meeting, so welcome to our two new board members: Ben and Kevin.
  • Ben put up some more classroom decor.
  • Julia (et al?) got the Lulzbot printing rubber parts.

New Members

Old Business

  • Bylaws amendment proposal (unless it was already voted on?): Change the threshold for future bylaws amendments from "more than three quarters (3/4ths) of voting members," to "more than three quarters (3/4ths) of member votes cast 90 days from the proposal approval date," and from "Notice of such petition must be submitted electronically to all members," to "Notice of such a petition must be submitted to all members electronically and, where electronic means produce no response, all other available means." (Explanation: We are dangerously close to having 1/4th of members not respond aye/nay and making amendments impossible) - Enrique

New Business

  • There's been some discussion of changing or frequently rotating door key-codes since the church was robbed last week; we would prefer some kind of RFID thing... discussions ongoing I guess.

Project Awesome Reports




Project Electron Microscope (SEM)

We received the new vacuum gauge; it did not include the power adatper. It's a simple part: DC power supply 2W between 9 and 30V connected to an HD15 (VGA) conncetor. It's an easy job but someone's gotta do it. - Enrique

Project Optical Table Robot (OTR)

Project CRISPR

We repeated the experiment last week with new materials, unfortunately with mixed results, i.e. the CRISPR sample worked, but the control also worked. So there may be a problem with the Strep-Kan plates or new bacteria strain L21. I suppose it should be done again with both L21 and HME63 strains but maybe someone other than me should go through it this time. - Enrique

Project SpaceBlimp

Dirk & Sam finished the video! -Enrique

Member Reports

  • Enrique: The March for Science is a couple of months away; it's Saturday April 22. I think HacDC could be involved in setting up some events, even if just social; we should have plenty of out-of-town guest speakers that weekend. I'm also thinking of signs for the event, both the content and the materials. It'd be cool to have LED or electroluminescent signs if they can be bright enough during the day - just to start brainstorming.
  • Enrique: Where is our good projector? We didn't find it for the cryptoparty. Our second-best projector is ok but aged (a bit antiquated with VGA-only, the contrast is suboptimal). If the good projector is permanently gone, should we get a new one? Yes, the previous one was generally kept locked up, by the way.
  • Also Enrique: we'll be going through Signal encrypted messaging, encrypted calls and PGP encrypted email after the meeting if anyone is interested.

Director Reports

President's Report

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

  • Our income for January came 100% from membership dues. It was $1,330 from 30 members - 21 regular, 7 grandfathered in at $50/mo who never come around, 1 student member and 1 dues-waived member. Besides the usual rent, insurance and PayPal fees, we had two extra expenses in January: our vacuum gauge order finally went through ($611 from Project SEM) and a reimbursement to Mirage for 3D printer parts ($308 from Project Supplies). Rent rises from 993 to 1043 in February. Balances add up to $12,442.

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports




Adjourned by at xxx by xxx