
Regular Member Meeting 2015 02 10: Difference between revisions

From HacDC Wiki

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=== Project SUPPLIES ===
=== Project SUPPLIES ===
* Thoroughly needed replacement soldering iron tips have been requested, at a cost of ~$70.
* Fresh cleaning supplies for the Rostock Max (and 3D printer glass generally) have been ordered.

=== Project EXPANSION ===
=== Project EXPANSION ===

Revision as of 02:51, 9 February 2015

Time and Location

February 10, 2015
Called to order at XXX by XXX
Members present: XXX
Members remote: XXX
Others present: XXX
Quorum met? XXX

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Regular Member Meeting 2014 12 09


Director Reports

President's Report

Shed Media contacted HacDC about a Television show on January 14 2015.

  • Spoke to Shed Media about their interest in HacDC for a reality/educational television show on Feb 3 2015.
  • Shed Media develops concepts for TV shows and sells them to networks and they want to explore a Mythbusters-type show (6-8 episodes about the same space) on Hacker/Makerspaces. They want to show interesting people making cool things in a way that will be entertaining and educational to viewers.
  • They got our name from Mitch? at Noisebridge (San Francisco) and are talking to other spaces. I also gave them the names of Reverse Space, Unallocated Space, and Baltimore Node.
  • If this goes all the way, it will require a large and long time investment by those involved and will be a huge disruption on the space for the duration of the project. However, the space and the people involved will make some money.
  • The next step is for interested people to talk to Shed Media.

Thusfar, no one has expressed an interest in participating. If I don't see/hear from anyone by the end of the week, I will tell Shed Media that HacDC is not interested.

Vice President's Report

Treasurer's Report

Project Awesome

Secretary's Report

Director-at-Large Reports

Project Awesome Reports

Project LASER




  • Thoroughly needed replacement soldering iron tips have been requested, at a cost of ~$70.
  • Fresh cleaning supplies for the Rostock Max (and 3D printer glass generally) have been ordered.



Member Reports

Old Business

New Business

New Members


Adjourned at XXX by XXX