

From HacDC Wiki


  • Shell server
  • Ssh public key access only
  • Per user local network webhosting and file shares via Hoard.


Any software can be requested and almost certianly will be installed.


For an acount on this server email [email protected] with the subject:

 Shell Account

Provide a desired username and a second choice username. Include an ssh public key as an attachement. access to this server is by ssh key only.

Admin Notes

Host machine is Albert.

Xen Configs

    • CPU: 3
    • RAM: 128MB
    • Disk:
      • / - albert/tortoise-disk
      • swap - albert/tortoise-swap
      • /home - albert/tortoise-home
      • /home/users - /srv/share/users
      • /srv/share - hoard:/srv/share
      • /var - albert/tortoise-var
      • /tmp - albert/tortoise-tmp


  • "staff"/admin accounts in /home/admin
  • user accounts in /home/users
  • To add a new user:
  1. ~# adduser --disabled-password --ingroup users <username>
  2. ~# echo <user provided ssh key> > /home/users/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys
  3. Notify <user> of account creation and include the ssh oneliner for loggin into the server.

OS Config

  • Process limit:
  • Memory limit:
  • mesg -n set in /etc/profile.d
  • Firewall rules and other network restrictions:
  • FS restrictions:
    • /var - nosuid,nodev
    • /home - nosuid,nodev
    • /tmp - nosuid