
Regular Member Meeting 2024 04 09

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

Date 2024-04-09
Called to order at 7:44 pm by Obi
Members present:
Members remote:
  • Liz
  • Gabriel
  • Sven
  • Obi
  • Christopher
Others present:

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

Obi Approved, Gabe Seconded


Liz by Obi for General 3D Printer Wizardry!

New Members

Kyle Titus-Glover, Voted in!

Old Business

May make a purchase proposal areas - prior to this our options have been Discord or the dry erase.

Other options:

  • AirTable
  • Google Forms

Christopher will make a Google Form that will export into a spreadsheet

Callie is asking for a 3d printed casting setup. Liz recommends: Make a furnace?

  • Collect cans to melt and recast
  • Can also be used on the CNC milling machine

Sven's community help ideas:

  • Recycle/remake scooter batteries - Side project?

New Business

Policy in place for using dangerous equipment:

  • Possibly assign a person to each piece of equipment to approve
  • Restrict to members
    • Restricting members for this meeting and requiring a release form, Obi will draft up a policy for approval and a release form for the future.

Make Open Project Night more visitor-friendly

  • Add some structure
  • Make sure people feel welcome, nametags, introducing ourselves
  • Make sure there are two people in the space (Going to be Christopher and Liz, Sven when possible)

Update Bylaws for Membership to clarify requirements for other membership tiers

  • Qualifying Life Events that can cause monetary hardship.
  • Revisiting next month

The parking lot will be inaccessible sometime this year due to construction in the neighboring lot (The church is unsure of dates, should let us know when ``they`` are updated)

TLDR: Comcast pricing sucks - Gabriel reached out to check pricing, no discounts for nonprofits, business line only. We will look into Astound, highly recommended by Chris and Kyle


Adjourned by Obi (Seconded by Christopher) at 8:39