
Regular Member Meeting 2023 04 11

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

Date 11 Apr 2023
Called to order at 7:35 pm by Obi
Members present: Obi Christopher Kevin Braaains Gabe Jared Calli Michelle Max
Members remote: Yes
Others present: Tom
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


  • Calli for looking at the door lock and replacing / charging the batteries

New Members

  • Braaains (into cyber security, AI, and trading)

Old Business

New Business

  • Internet service - how to pay Mobile Citizen? how to get connection/installation instructions? who will setup our service with Mobile Citizen & when?
  • Phone service -
    • Jamie: "You should be able to set-up the adapters to register directly w/ Twilio now (I think they implemented that in 2017 or 2018) in which case the account can probably be dropped."
    • Jamie: "So first course of business, find the adapters (or has HacDC moved to VOIP phones) and figure out the logins to them or reset them and set-up an elastic SIP trunk on Twilio."
    • Mobile Citizen phone service annual bill + adaptor = $411.95 ($282.00 for adaptor, $120.00 for annual membership, $9.95 shipping)
    • Accounts for Twillio and details recovered
    • There's been a recommendation for Vtech VCS754 ErisStation Conference Phone with 4 Wireless Microphones VoIP and Device but we have a Polycom SoundStation (obsolete) in the space.
  • Machine Learning by Doing Night is merging with Open Project Night. However the Discord channel will remain.
  • HetrixTools warns of an expiring SSL certificate on
  • Meetup calendar fix
  • Discuss the purchase of an in-house battery charger (door lock, multimeters, etc.)
  • Gabe has been adding links to other hackerspaces, etc. in Discord
  • Michelle has added a page for on-boarding new members
  • Finances
    • Current balance as of April 1: $19,493
    • Currently expenses slightly more than revenues. So, "be careful".
  • Ideas for increasing revenue:
    • Michelle in her At Large position working on recruiting and modeling after John Hopkins Fast Forward Innovation Hub
    • Max is suggesting getting fancy graphic cards (GPUs) for AI, etc. Lots of activity on Discord
    • Gabe says having events in the space is what's drawing in new blood
    • If someone offers to donate equipment, it needs a member sponsor to maintain it, promote it and use it. Otherwise "No" as we don't want stuff sitting idle.
    • Michelle wants to bring back Movie Night
      • In house? At a theater? Food?
      • Is the church still having a pest problem? Find out about the church tenants meeting.
      • "D&D" in theaters and "Tetris" in the space?
      • What night?
      • Maybe something at Suns Cinema?
      • See Discord poll posted by Michelle (April 11, 2023 20:24)


Adjourned by at 20:25 by Obi