
Regular Member Meeting 2021 09 14

From HacDC Wiki

Time and Location

Date September 14th 2021
Called to order at 7:40pm by Tayeb
Members present: Tristan, Kevin, Matt, Tayeb, Michelle, Obi, Don, Gabe, Ken, Brian
Members remote: (all)
Others present: Ashley
Quorum met?

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes


Tristan -- Tayeb for checking in on Project Night and Capture the Flag events.

New Members

Old Business

In-Person Events -- not having in-person group events for at least another month as Delta is peaking. Members-only for the space right now. Could have more than five people masked in the auditorium is another option; might consider having a speaker (John). Digital art from your photos might be one idea (Tayeb). Twilio Authentication -- Kevin/Tayeb confirmed that the phone does work to call space but cannot link voice mails Television Needs Repair -- Kevin and Tayeb will come to space on Sunday to look at TV Open Project Night -- seems to be going well. Has been a steady group of people Move to Hybrid Workspace -- partially remote hackerspace, in-person hackerspace Capture the Flag -- 12p to 2p on Saturdays. Might create an upper-track for another day/time-slot maybe Tristian can host the advance variety CAD Night -- Tristian still interested in this

New Business

Workspace. New Church POC -- former POC, Mike, has left his position with the church. The replacement is: The Rev. Rondesia Jarrett-Schell Workspace. Mail -- checks need to be deposited by Matt Annual Membership Survey. Waive membership fees -- general agreement for adding another question: If you are interested in teaching a course (or giving a talk), in what ways can we support you? (a) Advertise for course (b) Provide materials course (c) Discount on other offerings through HacDC (d) Other PAR Recycle Works -- hardware recycling program in Philadelphia.