
Meeting Agenda 2008 12 16

From HacDC Wiki

Time & Location

December 16, 2008
7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
HacDC, 1525 Newton St NW, Washington, DC. (Space or Auditorium, TBD)

Draft minutes of the last meeting

Tentatively approve Draft Minutes of the Dec 9 Meeting

The Consent Agenda

Minister Reports

Member Reports

(One minute per member who wishes to give a quick report)

Old Business

Workshop Configuration

Nick, Nate and others will present a status update on the work they've been doing to renovate the basement workshop space.

We also need your help! This weekend, Richard will be leading an effort to continue the renovation of the space downstairs

Main Space Reconfiguration

Motion to shelve this topic until the Workshop Space is active.

New Business

Public Events on Hiatus

There are no public events scheduled between Friday the 19th and January 2. We will resume the TSS on January 6.

Motion also to not meet on December 23nd or 30th, resuming member meetings on January 6.

The Hackerspaces Book

HacDC's Contributions to The Hackerspaces Book is a new Wiki article to collect the things Bre Pettis wanted to do for the book. Whatever is there on the 18th, we will submit (even if that means nothing is there.)

Video Camera

We got a video camera donated! From Andy Michaels (See this Twitter post for details)

  • The plan is to use this video camera for initial experimentation while we work on figuring out which real camera to obtain
  • Anyone have a spare MiniDV deck to donate?

Shmoocon Party Planning

We will be hosting the Friday Night Party for ShmooCon in conjunction with ToorCon on Feb. 6

  • We have reserved the Auditorium and the Dining room.
  • A planning list has been started, e-mail if you want on.

RepRap Build-a-Thon

A big RepRap Build-A-Thon Event has been planned for January 23-24.

  • Zach Hoeken of NYCResistor will be coming down
  • Make:DC is involved, possibly co-hosting
  • We are reaching out to Make:Philly and other area groups
  • Mark Adams is heading up the project
  • A planning list has been started, e-mail if you want on.

Notacon Planning


  • We will show up, we will bring soldering irons, we will network with other hacker spaces, and we WILL win ABE. (Even though Nate is, as the project coordinator, technically disqualified from helping us build our craft the GREATEST entry in the history of ABE.)

Rooftop Garden?

  • "I also think it would be interesting to talk to the church about using the roof as a community garden, and having a vermiculture fertilizer source on site would be terrific."
    • I've discussed this with the church in the past. Apparently, the roof is not structurally sound enough to support a garden, but I believe we can gain support for building the requisite supports. It's a project worth keeping on the back burner.-- 20:51, 16 December 2008 (UTC)

Admit New Members

  • No new signups reported