

Uploads by Gatohaus

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
21:08, 17 February 2014 Shelf lights v0.9.gif (file) 193 KB Feb2014. New shelf lights, before and after. Same exposure. 1
13:59, 19 March 2013 3DP PELstand printed gatohaus.jpg (file) 96 KB 2013.03.17 My first fully designed and printed piece. Need to learn how to make a honeycomb wall. The slots at the top were supposed to be 14mm wide, but came out as 11mm. All other dimensions came out correctly. Re-checking the model and the model's ST 1
14:24, 9 November 2010 DavidMcInnis chocolate sm.jpg (file) 46 KB Delete this pic after ImageMagick is installed. FIXME 1