


From HacDC Wiki

Revision as of 03:10, 18 August 2013 by Rob (talk | contribs)

My first choice, Sidfoqbix, was taken, so I'm Rob. Hi.

By day I'm a mild-mannered USAID contractor. By night I'm a mild-mannered father of two living in Silver Spring. I'm pretty mild-mannered generally.

I have a lot of interests and focus is not my strong suit, so I tend to know just enough about a lot of things to be dangerous. With a class 4 laser, nozzles extruding hot plastic, and spinny cutty things, HacDC seemed like a good place to be dangerous.

I have been a platonic amateur radio operator since 2006. I know the PTT button but we aren't intimate. I dig bikes. And Japan. I recently counted my passport stamps and determined that I've been to Tokyo 17 times, each never for much more than 24 hours, which is a weird way to get to know a place. I follow North Korea like some people follow Star Trek. The conventions aren't much good, though.

I speak Arabic and just enough Japanese to get into trouble, but only if it's fairly formal trouble. I like to think that if I was parachuted into Central America for two weeks that enough Spanish would come back to me to talk my way out of the terrible situation I would have gotten into with a major gang and/or political faction by that time.

I also speak fax, which has made it really difficult to edit this page.

My latest hacky-type project was building a bGeigie nano kit. I'm intrigued by the DIY cell phone project, but I'm still at the window-shopping stage (anybody want to go halfsies on a PCB batch for this?). I'm keen to get my HackRF so I have another thing to be totally over my head in.

There is still time to get in on the ground floor of following me on Twitter.